
22 August 2011

America 2011: A Totalitarian Multicultural Police State

America 2011:

A Totalitarian Multicultural Police State

This should be the location of our "Liberation Square" moment: the day when the whole rotten, stinking, viperous domain of scoundrels is chased out of Washington D.C. - and our Republic is restored.

09 August 2011

NASA: DNA Found on Meteorites Indicates Life May Have Originated in Space

There is a sense in which Darwinism (ateleogical reality) represents the mechanization of life. But is the cosmos really best characterized as a watch or a machine? Is it possible the cosmos is more akin to a living organism (or perhaps a living "multiverse" super-organism)? What is the multiverse - if it exists - but self-replication on the grandest scale? The multiverse hypothesis, as explicated by ateleological reality adherents, is the mechanization of the cosmos, and as such it protects Darwinism's exposed flanks. Darwinism (ateleological reality) does not permit teleology, and the multiverse hypothesis purportedly does not require an intelligent Creator. Ateleological reality (mechanism) is a paradigmatic-hegemonic, de jure ideology, imposed by the reigning paradigm's Power-Structure, purposefully designed to render teleological reality (vitalism) unthinkable. Mechanism rules out teleology a priori, and anything and everything is interpreted through mechanism's unsubstantiated assertions and self-proclaimed parameters.