
31 December 2021

Cosmic Dawn

Cosmic Dawn

Once upon a time, that is before time began some 13.8 billion years ago, there was nothing, neither matter nor energy, neither space nor time [...] neither laws of physics nor mathematics ~ only a vacuum pregnant with infinite creative potential. A fluctuation, a flicker of this vacuum had given birth to the Universe at the epoch of Genesis, creating the structure of space time and a hot matter soup or the primordial brew of creation when all matter and energy now contained in the Universe were compressed together in a superheated, superdense cosmic fireball searing at a temperature of 100 trillion trillion degrees. The hot matter soup, which had only two kinds of fundamental particles ~ quarks and leptons that would eventually constitute all matter, and photons that would make up all energy ~ had sprung into existence only 100 billion trillion trillion of a second after genesis.

The early Universe was dominated by photons, or radiation so hot that matter could then exist only in a dense state of ‘plasma’. As the Universe expanded, it cooled, but it was still too hot for electrons to combine with protons to form the simplest atoms of hydrogen. About 300,000 years after the Big Bang, the ambient temperature had dropped to about 3000 degrees and when hydrogen atoms started forming, photons were no longer energetic enough to knock electrons off the atoms which would absorb and re-emit the photons to be scattered by other atoms, slowly making the Universe transparent to light.

Photons or radiation which had embraced matter particles ever since they had met each other at the beginning of time, were now letting loose this embrace to permanently decouple from each other, and the Universe was now transparent and filled with yellowish light, the colour corresponding to matter heated to 3000 degrees. This light would subsequently fade away with progressive expansion of the Universe, its wavelength getting stretched by the expansion, and through billions of years of cooling, would lose most of its energy to lie in microwaves now at a temperature of only 2.73-degree Kelvin forming what is known as the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB).

If we can take a picture of our 300,000-year-old Universe, we would be able to see the nascent structures in that Universe ~ the small lumps of matter that were formed from the tiny perturbations in the very early stages. These lumps would later evolve into proto-galaxies, galaxies, stars and planets shaping the large-scale structure of the Universe of today. This Universe would be open to our sight, unlike the plasma-dominated Universe before. Since plasma is opaque to radiation, the surface of the 300,000- year-old Universe would permanently block our sight and we would not be able to ‘see’ anything earlier than that, since we can see only with the help of light.

Therefore, the 300,000-yearold Universe is the earliest frame of reference for any measurement to be made, and we can call it the Cosmic Dawn. But no telescope has as yet peered that deep. At 5:50 PM IST on 25 December when the world was celebrating another muted Christmas, a majestic beast of a space telescope ~ the most powerful ever built so far-was launched into the sky on European Space Agency’s Ariane-5 rocket from Kourou in French Guiana, heralding what scientists are calling the “Apollo Moment” for astronomy.

As the 7- ton, $10 billion, James Webb Space Telescope ( JWST ), named after the NASA boss during its heydays of 1960s, began its space journey after countless delays, it will look far deeper into the early Universe than ever before and will be our premier observatory in space for the next decade. It will hopefully be able to peer into the Cosmic Dawn.

Space telescopes, also known as astronomical space observatories, are our eyes to the Universe. Space offers clearer views not obstructed by the Earth’s atmosphere, enabling a look into the farthest reaches of the Cosmos. They are like time machines since the light reaching them today from distant galaxies and stars had begun their journey millions of years ago. If today a star is discovered at a distance of say one million light-years away, as its light reaches the telescope, it carries visual information about it pertaining to the time light has left the star and we see its image as it existed one million years ago. The more distant star or the galaxy, the farther back in time are the telescopes able to gaze.

The golden era of astronomy began with the launch of Hubble space telescope in 1990, which so far been our most reliable eye into deep space. With its 2.4 metre (diameter) mirror and operating in the visible and ultraviolet and near-infrared (IR) range of the electromagnetic spectrum, Hubble has provided stunning images of countless cosmic objects, shedding light on the scale of the universe, the life cycle of stars, black holes, and formation of the first galaxies. Currently receiving its fifth and final makeover, it is expected to last at least another five years, overlapping with the JWST. Since Hubble, NASA has launched several powerful space telescopes ~ most importantly the Chandra X-ray Observatory (1999 and still working), Spitzer (2003-2020), Herschel (2009-2013) and Planck (2009- 2013).

There are now more than a dozen major observatories in space but most of these, like Hubble, are placed in orbits between 500-600 kms above the earth. But JWST dwarfs all in scale and scope. With its 6.5-metre primary mirror shielded by a five-layer, tennis court-sized sunshield that is designed to block the heat from Sun and ensure the extremely cool temperatures essential for its operation and designed to operate at the IR range of the spectrum, it will be 100 times more sensitive than Hubble. It will also be positioned far deeper into space, 1.5 million km from Earth, far away from the earth’s ‘radiation pollution’ at a point known as L2 which is one of the five points, called the Lagrange’s points, where the gravitational forces of the Sun and the Earth cancel each other out, giving it stability while requiring the minimal energy to keep it there.

Directly behind Earth in the line joining the Sun and the Earth, an object placed at L2 would be shielded by the Earth from the Sun’s rays as it goes around the Sun, in sync with the Earth, making it cold enough to reach the cryogenic temperatures its instruments have been designed to operate at. Light from the early Universe is no longer in the visible range but in the IR range and can detected only with IR cameras. Its four IR cameras can pierce through stellar dust to reveal structure that can’t otherwise be seen in the visible range.

The JWST’s primary mirror should be cooled to ~ 223 degree Celsius to enable it to pick up the faintest IR light from distant galaxies that formed in the early Universe. The other side of the shields facing the Sun would be scorching hot, at average temperatures of 93 degrees. The mirror and the sunshields are so large that no rocket could carry them unless folded ~ 18 hexagonal sections will unfold it. The mirror is made of beryllium that has tensile strength more than steel but is lighter than aluminium; it is plated with gold to reflect the IR light.

The equipment is incredibly complex ~ it has as many as 250,000 individually controlled shutters to ensure its illumination by the correct narrow slice of the sky. No scientific instrument as complex and sophisticated has ever been sent into space and should something go wrong while the telescope redeploys itself, there will be no possibility of any astronaut performing repairs on it that far away, unlike the Hubble. Apart from the IR cameras, it will be equipped with coronagraphs to block light from a star to enable observing the planets orbiting around it.

Among the most eagerly awaited images from the JWST are those of the first proto-galaxies emerging on a flat and shapeless cosmos, evolving into massive galaxies that would host the first generation of stars. It would probe the mysterious quasers that are believed to be superluminous, supermassive black holes typically located at the galactic centres, feeding on infalling matter, and unleashing fantastic torrents of radiation. It would peer into planetary origins and smaller bodies like asteroids and comets, our solar system, and yes, exoplanets ~ planets that lie in the so-called Goldilocks Zone where water exists in the liquid form ~ these are most suited for life to evolve and develop into intelligent life.

It is to be seen if the JWST would be able to help resolve the Cosmic enigmas like dark energy ~ the unknown 68 per cent of the universe’s content which is responsible for its accelerating expansion and the elusive dark matter that makes up another 27 per cent of the Universe and is believed crucial to galaxy formation, as measurements suggest that most galaxies are accumulations of dark matter with stars scattered in between.

There is also a recent mystery involving the so-called Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) ~ the unexplained flashes of radiation that last for milliseconds and are detectable from billions of lightyears away but not attributable to any source. These mysteries today lie at the frontier of physics and resolving them would really usher in a new golden age in astronomy and astrophysics.


Why STEAM Needs the Humanities to Understand Science

Materialism has been waning in influence in the scientific community, but what has replaced it is not clear. Are we in the midst of a Kuhnian paradigm shift? Possibly.

The decline of materialist philosophy has been rooted in 1) the belief in "intelligent design," that God exists, and it is immaterial how it came to be; 2) unsatisfactory explanations for mental and conscious phenomena and the "mind-body problem"; and 3) recent developments in 20th century quantum physics.

Thomas Nagle's Mind and Cosmos is a recent example of the waning of the materialist paradigm. He suggests that given that the human mind is part of the natural order of things, any philosophy of human nature that cannot account for it is fundamentally flawed.

The recent studies of psychedelic substances have shown that mind is irreducible to matter. The "mystical experiences" at the heart of individual transformations have led to an acceptance of the mind-altering power of psychoactive medicinal plants, long seen as the purview of mystics and quacks.

As Michael Pollan stated in the Wall Street Journal, "Typically described as the dissolution of one’s ego followed by a merging of the self with nature or the universe, a 'mystical experience' can permanently shift a person’s perspective and priorities. The pivotal role of the mystical experience points to something novel about psychedelic therapy: It depends for its success not strictly on the action of a chemical but on the powerful psychological experience that the chemical can occasion."

Thus, I reached out to a colleague, Jeffrey Kripal, an expert in the history of religion, to enlighten us on the connection between science and spirituality, mind and matter, and humanities and the STEAM fields. In his recent book, The Flip: Epiphanies of Mind and the Future of Knowledge, he makes a strong case for the humanities, and why the STEAM fields would be empty without the human psyche or the collective soul.

Dinesh Sharma: You propose that we reimagine the humanities as the study of consciousness coded in culture. The study of "culture" since the work of Clifford Geertz is the study of local cultures, but the consciousness you are proposing to study is almost beyond time, place, and context.

Jeffrey Kripal: Your question encodes my answer. It is a both-and, not an either-or. The anthropology you are describing is conventional anthropology. Its dogmatic localism is precisely what has gotten us into the situation we are now in—a kind of nihilism and inability to imagine shared meaning across cultures.

DS: You say Western knowledge systems are at a precipice of making a 'flip'. This is actually the case in physics. But the new physics is being constrained within the domain of the hard sciences, not permeating the larger culture, due to the politics of knowledge.

JK: You are reading me correctly. I think we are at a crossroads. Our social and spiritual imaginations have not caught up with the quantum reality our mathematics, our physics, and frankly our technologies all use and suppose. We are living in a vast schizophrenia. It does little good when elite physicists complain about popular attempts to permeate culture or mistake the quantum physics. So what? Correct them. Help them. And let’s move on.

DS: Are you looking to "flip" the "materialistic paradigm" dominant in the academy since the enlightenment period?

JK: Well, yes, of course, but the book is not about me doing anything. It’s about a larger cultural, philosophical, and scientific shift that is happening all around us. I am just reporting.

DS: I like your phrase, "science only studies the things it can study." Thus, it can be defined by what is selectively excluded from the sciences?

JK: Science works so well because it gets to say what it will study, and what it will not. We are not so fortunate, or we are more fortunate, in the humanities. We study human beings, who never really fit into our paradigms or our models, and, strangest of all, we are human beings studying human beings, so it’s loopy. What I am trying to say in the book is that human beings have all kinds of strange, quantum-like experiences, and we should not ignore or discount them just because they do not play by the rules of our scientific or humanistic games. Quite the contrary, we should change the rules of those games.

DS: Yet, there has been a perennial dialogue between the sciences and the humanities, the "two cultures of the scientific revolution," as CP Snow called it. Do you think the study of Eastern religions helped to remove this impasse?

JK: The study of Asian cultures has mostly been slotted into traditional Western academic categories, like “culture,” “philosophy,” and “religion.” We have really not taken their ontologies seriously. For the most part, we have only “described” them as “discourses” or considered various political and social identities and thus shoved them into our little boxes. If we took their own philosophical views (and experiences) truly seriously, we would likely take consciousness much more seriously.

DS: You focus on the personal experiences of the 'secular' or 'materialist' scientists, who have had mystical experiences through spiritual practices. How long have you been collecting these stories?

JK: I focus on secular engineers, scientists, and medical professionals because I teach at a STEM-focused university and realized long ago that students will not take traditional religious sources seriously. But when I present them with modern, secular scientists, they do a double-take. It is much harder to ignore them. I have been collecting these stories for about two decades.

DS: What are precognitive dreams that you think are prophetic or tapping into another realm of time?

JK: Of all psychical or paranormal phenomena, I am probably most impressed with precognitive phenomena, which tend to happen in dreams. The work of Eric Wargo is astonishing here. If you have not read it, drop this immediately and go read Time Loops. Trust me. Eric’s ideas predict a lot of the things I actually encounter in the stories I've collected. I have always been more Freudian, but the “unconscious” here is hardly what Freud thought. Eric basically argues that there is no such thing as the unconscious; that the unconscious is consciousness transposed in time; that what Freud was studying was really communications spread out in time and often seeping back from the future. I do not know if he is correct, but these are the kinds of rabbit holes one is led down once one begins to take these phenomena truly seriously.

DS: In the book, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, the socio-biologist EO Wilson discusses methods that have been used to unite the sciences and might, in the future, unite them with the humanities. Biologists are likely to see consciousness as evolving over time, through millions of years, in various adaptations and mutations through reptiles, fish, amphibians, mammals, and humans.

JK: Well, sure, but the biological sciences have a long way to go. They have real hang-ups around vitalism and teleology, for example. I think both of those are real mistakes—they might be pragmatic and useful mistakes, but they are still wrong. Life is not reducible to chemistry. Evolution evolves itself over and over again toward obvious goals (like the eye). I have a favorite quote here. It’s a definition of hydrogen that goes something like this, “Hydrogen: a light odorless gas that, given enough time, turns into people.” Appropriately, it is listed as anonymous. No one wrote it.

DS: Finally, Elon Musk says, SpaceX Starship could protect the 'Light of Consciousness.’ The human-carrying spaceship could play a key role in preserving humanity in the universe. What do you say to Musk's idea? He wants humans to be a multi-planetary civilization.

JK: I always hesitate to address topics I know very little about, so I am not sure what to say about Elon Musk. I do know that intellectuals are very good at critique, at saying “No,” and very bad at affirmation, at saying “Yes.” I also know that individuals and communities very much need something cosmic to affirm and dream about. I work and live in Houston, just across campus from the very football stadium where President Kennedy gave his famous “moon-shot” speech in September of 1962. I think we need moon-shots. We also need, of course, to ask serious questions about such grand projects: "Why not work harder to preserve this planet?" "How can we be more thoughtful about who benefits from such a project?" "Are we really even capable of subsisting off-planet?" Having asked such questions, I am certain that, had previous grand human enterprises (including the Apollo space program), none of which were morally pure, waited for the blessings of academics, they would have never happened. In short, I don’t know about Elon Musk or his project, but I am suspicious of our suspicions. 



25 December 2021

Formal scientific support for the Big Seed hypothesis to follow

With revolutionary technology, Webb will observe a part of space and time never seen before, providing a wealth of amazing views into an era when the very first stars and galaxies formed––over 13.5 billion years ago.

It can explore our own solar system’s residents with exquisite new detail and study the atmospheres of distant worlds. From new forming stars to devouring black holes, Webb will reveal all this and more! It’s the world’s largest and most powerful space telescope ever built.

20 December 2021

James Webb Space Telescope: Launch of world's most complex observatory will rest on a nail-biting knife edge

We are poised on the edge of new discoveries about the origins of our universe and our place within it: insights that will fill the pages of the textbooks of tomorrow.


How did we get here?

Answering this question is one of the key goals in NASA's Astrophysics Division, and is the main objective of its Cosmic Origins (COR) Program.

Here are some of the topics our work focuses on:
  • Stellar lifecycles and the evolution of the elements
  • Early formation and evolution of planetary systems
  • Archaeology of the Milky Way and its neighbors
  • History and evolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes
  • First light and reionization
No one mission or observatory can provide all the answers. The Cosmic Origins Program includes telescopes that together operate across much of the electromagnetic spectrum. From the iconic Hubble Space Telescope’s groundbreaking science to the future discoveries awaiting us with the James Webb Space Telescope and more to come, Cosmic Origin's facilities help us in our search for answers to the biggest questions about our universe and its origins.


When the immense sound of the Ariane 5 rocket rumbles across Europe's spaceport in French Guiana, it will signal the end of a journey decades in the making. Perched atop the rocket will be the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the most sophisticated and complex observatory ever constructed. An enormous mirror 6.5 meters across, consisting of 18 gold-plated segments, will be delicately folded to fit within the nose cone.

That precious cargo carries the hopes and dreams of thousands of engineers and scientists like us who have worked for so long to make this observatory a reality. We'll no doubt all be holding our breath.

If all goes well, humanity will have a new eye on the cosmos, with capabilities that far surpass anything that has gone before. The telescope will access realms that have been previously hidden from us, being too distant, too cold or too faint for even the venerable Hubble Space Telescope.

As light from the earliest stars has been stretched by the expansion of the universe over 13 billion years, we need instruments that work in infrared light, which we can feel as heat, to peer into this mysterious epoch of cosmic history. JWST is so sensitive that it could theoretically detect the heat signature of a bumblebee at the distance of the moon.

We are poised on the edge of new discoveries about the origins of our universe and our place within it: insights that will fill the pages of the textbooks of tomorrow.

But before that can happen, we face an agonizing wait. Not only during the intense launch that will carry the US$10 billion JWST beyond the reach of our human hands, but also through the tense months of deployment, testing and transfer to a lonely outpost, preparing for the "first light" of a facility that has been described as the "most expensive astronomical gamble in history."

No previous space observatory has been subjected to more testing and scrutiny than JWST. It has survived cancellations, design changes and technical mistakes. It has also survived budgetary woes, natural disasters such as Hurricane Harvey, a pandemic and even the threat of piracy as it journeyed from California to French Guiana through the Panama Canal.

That it weathered these storms is a testament to the international team responsible for the observatory, a worldwide partnership led by Nasa, the European Space Agency (Esa), and the Canadian Space Agency, but encompassing hundreds of institutions around the globe.

The launch and beyond

With so many years and careers invested in JWST, all eyes will be on that rocket as it clears the tower at the spaceport. As the world holds its breath, JWST's perilous journey will just be beginning. Over the ensuing weeks, a breathtaking array of mechanisms and sequential deployments must work perfectly, each step adding risk to the process.

Once the faring that protects the telescope separates, the observatory will deploy its communications devices and solar arrays, and embark on its 29-day journey towards the "Lagrange point' (L2)—a position where the gravitational forces of the sun, Earth, and orbital motions of a spacecraft interact to create a stable location—some 1.5 million kilometers from our planet. Ariane will send JWST directly to this location without orbiting Earth first, but small rockets will fire during the first day to tweak the trajectory, and then a final burn will insert the observatory into orbit around L2 a month later.

As it travels to its destination, it will execute a delicate unfolding, dancing to a choreography years in the making. To tease out the faint infrared light from distant stars and galaxies, the whole observatory must be cold so as not to be blinded by its own infrared warmth. It does this by keeping its back to the sun and using an enormous parasol—a tennis-court-sized sunshield, made of five layers of thin plastic coated in reflective aluminum and doped-silicon, durable to withstand strikes by swarms of tiny meteorites. This sunshield will be the first to deploy, around a week after launch.

This will be followed by the unfurling of the petals of the primary mirror. All eighteen segments have to be aligned in space, adjusting and focusing them so that they work together as one giant mirror. These deployments will involve 344 individual steps, providing a nail-biting wait for the team on Earth. If something goes wrong, we can't go and fix it—it's simply too far away.

Months of testing, calibrating, aligning and more testing will follow, as the telescope cools to 40K (-233°C). One of the instruments, known as MIRI, has to go colder still, to just 7K (-266°C). This will be made possible by thermally isolating it from the rest of the observatory on long legs, and using a special helium refrigerator.

Astronomical bounty awaits

Some six months after launch, JWST will finally open its eyes to the cosmos. It will peer back in time, to just a few million years after the Big Bang to witness the end of the dark ages, when matter first coalesced to form the simplest stars of hydrogen and helium. This unexplored era set the stage for the origins of galaxies, shaping our modern cosmos and seeding the universe with complex elements.

The telescope will also investigate the atmospheres of planets around other stars to understand their origins and potential habitability. Closer to home, JWST will turn its gaze on the worlds of our Solar System, and explore the rocky and icy remnants left over from the birth of planets.

Crucial to this is the MIRI instrument that we worked on here at the University of Leicester, one of four that will deliver on the scientific promise of JWST. MIRI has been built by a transatlantic partnership of ten European countries plus the US, jointly led by Professor Gillian Wright at STFC's UK Astronomy Technology Centre (ATC) in Edinburgh, and Professor George Rieke at the University of Arizona.

As the only mid-infrared instrument in JWST's toolkit, MIRI will provide images and spectroscopy—a technique that breaks down light into specific wavelengths—allowing it to tease out the chemical signatures of JWST's astronomical targets.

There is no question JWST will open the scientific floodgates, and may lead to unexpected discoveries that the JWST visionaries haven't even imagined yet. We're standing on that threshold, hoping that this complex observatory can finally realize our ambitions.

"It will peer back in time, to just a few million years after the Big Bang Seed to witness the end of the dark ages, when matter first coalesced to form the simplest stars of hydrogen and helium. This unexplored era set the stage for the origins of galaxies, shaping our modern cosmos and seeding the universe with complex elements."

19 December 2021

Belarus to stand with Russia if war breaks out with ZOG

Belarus' President Alexander Lukashenko made it clear that Minsk’s loyalties lie with Moscow and he would back Russia in the event of a Russian invasion of Ukraine, in a lengthy interview with RIA Novosti.  

“I will do everything so that Ukraine becomes ours. It’s our Ukraine, the people there are ours. This isn’t emotion, this is my firm conviction,” Lukashenko said. “If Russia is faced with aggression from Ukraine, we will be closely linked  economically, legally and politically we will be with Russia.” The Belarusian leader added that Belarus would be willing to host Russian nuclear weapons on its territory, reports FPRI BMB Ukraine.

Belarus’ support would be essential if Russia invaded Ukraine, as one of Russia’s possible military strategies would be to attack Ukraine across its northern border to cut the eastern front off from reinforcements from Kyiv and the reserves in the west of the country, but to do that Russian troops would have to cross Belarus, which commands Ukraine’s northern border.  

Lukashenko also revealed plans to visit Crimea with Vladimir Putin and in effect recognise the occupied peninsula as Russian territory  something Minsk has tiptoed around since the annexation in 2014. Belarus’ comments brings the total number of countries that recognise Russia’s occupation of the peninsula to three. “Crimea is de facto Russian Crimea. After the referendum, Crimea also became Russian de jure,” Lukashenko claimed.  

“If the president [of Belarus] has already arrived there [in Crimea] with the president of Russia, what other recognition can there be?! It’s redundant,” the Belarusian head of state added.  

Addressing Lukashenko’s comments, Ukraine's Foreign Minister stated that Kyiv will evaluate the Belarusian leader’s actions, rather than in his words. “If Belarus does recognise Crimea, it will be an irreparable blow to Ukrainian-Belarusian relations,” Dmytro Kuleba said, emphasising that Ukraine would respond “at full scale.”

Separately Ukraine’s Defence Minister Oleksii Reznikov made some interesting comments in an article in the Atlantic Council, saying that Ukraine’s low-key response to the mounting Russian pressure was because “we are used to it” after seven years of conflict.  

Reznikov went on to say that Ukraine would “make the ground burn” under Russia’s military feet if it did invade and that Russia would be unable to hold the territory without paying a huge cost in lives.  

“The human cost for Ukraine would be catastrophic, but Ukrainians would not mourn alone. Russia would also suffer massive losses. Images of coffins returning to Russia from the front lines in Ukraine would spread like a virus across social media and would soon prove too much for even the Kremlin censors to contain,” Reznikov wrote.  

Because of this cost the Defence Minister believes an attack is unlikely, as public support for a large invasion of Ukraine is not that strong.  

“While I have emphasised Russia’s readiness to raise the stakes, it is also vital to note that the Putin regime is nothing if not pragmatic. They are highly skilled at assessing risks. While an escalation is currently possible, it is still avoidable,” Reznikov said.  

Reznikov also added that another aspect to consider in a potential large-scale conflict with Russia is that it would bring Ukraine’s agricultural production to a halt; as the biggest exporter of grain in the world that would lead to a major crisis on the international grain markets that would only further galvanise the rest of the world’s opposition to Russian aggression.  

Belarus doesn't seem to care about any of this, as Lukashenko remains fully focused on fighting back against western sanctions and the opposition’s attempts to force him out of office.  

A day before Lukashenko's interview with Ria Novosti on November 29, the Belarusian Defence Ministry announced plans to hold joint military drills with Russia along the country’s southern border near Ukraine, in the “medium term.”  

“Neighbouring countries are actively militarising, and this cannot but worry us, which is why we are forced to plan response measures,” Belarusian Defence Minister Viktor Khrenin asserted.

Amid these tensions, Belarus accused a Ukrainian military helicopter of violating its airspace on December 4, as Lukashenko seeks to hype tensions with the EU, which he has been portraying as an aggressor poised to attack Belarus for more than a year now. A spokesman for Ukraine’s border guard service refuted the allegation, saying that aviation was being used to monitor the border, but there were no airspace violations, reports Reuters. Nevertheless, the Belarusian Defence Ministry handed a note of protest to Ukraine's military attaché on December 5.  

Lukashenko has been using the “enemy at the gate” narrative repeatedly over the last year to try to rally popular support behind his regime, without much success.  


Russia Sends Nuclear-Capable Bombers on Patrol Over Belarus

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia sent a pair of nuclear-capable long-range bombers to patrol the skies over Belarus on Saturday, a mission intended to underline close defense ties between the two allies amid tensions with the West.

The Russian Defense Ministry said the two Tu-22M3 strategic strike bombers practiced “performing joint tasks with the Belarusian air force and air defense.” Su-30 fighter jets that Russia has supplied to Belarus escorted the bombers.

Saturday’s four-hour patrol marked Russia's third such mission in Belarus since last month and took place amid Western concerns over a Russian troop buildup near Ukraine's border.

Moscow has denied harboring plans to invade Ukraine and pressed the United States for security guarantees that would exclude NATO expanding into Ukraine or deploying weapons there. The U.S. and its allies are almost certain to reject Moscow's demands.

Some Ukrainian officials have voiced concern that Russia may use Belarus as a base for attacking their country from the north. Amid his own tensions with the European Union, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said last month that his country would be ready to host Russian nuclear weapons.

The European Union has accused the authoritarian Lukashenko of encouraging migrants and refugees to use his country as a backdoor to illegally enter neighboring EU member nations Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. The EU imposed sanctions on Lukashenko's government for its crackdown on internal dissent after Lukashenko’s disputed 2020 reelection.

The Belarusian leader wouldn’t elaborate on what kind of Russian weapons Belarus would be willing to accommodate, but noted that the ex-Soviet nation has carefully preserved the necessary military infrastructure dating back to the time of the USSR.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has described Lukashenko’s offer as a “serious warning prompted by reckless Western policy.”

Belarus' top diplomat, Vladimir Makei, seconded Lukashenko's statement in an interview released Saturday. He said Belarus could agree to host nuclear weapons as part of its response to possible NATO activities in Poland.

Echoing Russian concerns about growing ties between Ukraine and NATO, Makei said the Western military alliance was Ukraine into a “bridgehead against Russia.”

18 December 2021

Google says Israeli cyber company NSO Group iPhone hack was "incredible and terrifying," on par with elite nation-state spies

“This is on par with serious nation-state capabilities,” he says. “It's really sophisticated stuff, and when it's wielded by an all-gas, no-brakes autocrat, it's totally terrifying. And it just makes you wonder what else is out there being used right now that is just waiting to be discovered. If this is the kind of threat civil society is facing, it is truly an emergency.”

The Israeli spyware developer NSO Group has shocked the global security community for years with aggressive and effective hacking toolsthat can target both Android and iOS devices. The company's products have been so abused by its customers around the world that NSO Group now faces sanctions, high-profile lawsuits, and an uncertain future. But a new analysis of the spyware maker's ForcedEntry iOS exploit—deployed in a number of targeted attacks against activists, dissidents, and journalists this year—comes with an even more fundamental warning: Private businesses can produce hacking tools that have the technical ingenuity and sophistication of the most elite government-backed development groups.

Google's Project Zero bug-hunting group analyzed ForcedEntry using a sample provided by researchers at the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab, which published extensively this year about targeted attacks utilizing the exploit. Researchers from Amnesty International also conducted important research about the hacking tool this year. The exploit mounts a zero-click, or interactionless, attack, meaning that victims don't need to click a link or grant a permission for the hack to move forward. Project Zero found that ForcedEntry used a series of shrewd tactics to target Apple's iMessage platform, bypass protections the company added in recent years to make such attacks more difficult, and adroitly take over devices to install NSO's flagship spyware implant Pegasus.

Apple released a series of patches in September and October that mitigate the ForcedEntry attack and harden iMessage against future, similar attacks. But the Project Zero researchers write in their analysis that ForcedEntry is still “one of the most technically sophisticated exploits we've ever seen.” NSO Group has achieved a level of innovation and refinement, they say, that is generally assumed to be reserved for a small cadre of nation-state hackers.

“We haven't seen an in-the-wild exploit build an equivalent capability from such a limited starting point, no interaction with the attacker's server possible, no JavaScript or similar scripting engine loaded, etc.,” Project Zero's Ian Beer and Samuel Grob wrote in an email to WIRED. “There are many within the security community who consider this type of exploitation—single-shot remote code execution—a solved problem. They believe that the sheer weight of mitigations provided by mobile devices is too high for a reliable single-shot exploit to be built. This demonstrates that not only is it possible, it's being used in the wild reliably against people.”

Apple added an iMessage protection called BlastDoor in 2020’s iOS 14 on the heels of research from Project Zero about the threat of zero-click attacks. Beer and Groß say that BlastDoor does seem to have succeeded at making interactionless iMessage attacks much more difficult to deliver. “Making attackers work harder and take more risks is part of the plan to help make zero-day hard,” they told WIRED. But NSO Group ultimately found a way through.

ForcedEntry takes advantage of weaknesses in how iMessage accepted and interpreted files like GIFs to trick the platform into opening a malicious PDF without a victim doing anything at all. The attack exploited a vulnerability in a legacy compression tool used to process text in images from a physical scanner, enabling NSO Group customers to take over an iPhone completely. Essentially, 1990's algorithms used in photocopying and scanning compression are still lurking in modern communication software, with all of the flaws and baggage that come with them.

The sophistication doesn't end there. While many attacks require a so-called command-and-control server to send instructions to successfully placed malware, ForcedEntry sets up its own virtualized environment. The entire infrastructure of the attack can establish itself and run within a strange backwater of iMessage, making the attack even harder to detect. “It's pretty incredible and, at the same time, pretty terrifying,” the Project Zero researchers concluded in their analysis.

Project Zero's technical deep dive is significant not just because it explicates the details of how ForcedEntry works but because it reveals how impressive and dangerous privately developed malware can be, says John Scott-Railton, senior researcher at Citizen Lab.

“This is on par with serious nation-state capabilities,” he says. “It's really sophisticated stuff, and when it's wielded by an all-gas, no-brakes autocrat, it's totally terrifying. And it just makes you wonder what else is out there being used right now that is just waiting to be discovered. If this is the kind of threat civil society is facing, it is truly an emergency.”

After years of controversy, there may be growing political will to call out private spyware developers. For example, a group of 18 US congressmen sent a letter to the Treasury and State Departments on Tuesday calling on the agencies to sanction NSO Group and three other international surveillance companies, as first reported by Reuters.

“This isn’t ‘NSO exceptionalism.’ There are many companies that provide similar services that likely do similar things,” Beer and Grob told WIRED. “It was just, this time, NSO was the company that was caught in the act."

A Cosmic Conversation


In the last few decades, we have found answers to some of the biggest puzzles in astronomy and cosmology — thanks to the work of theoretical cosmologists like USC Dornsife’s Vera Gluscevic and Elena Pierpaoli, whose research aims to determine the composition and evolution of the universe. However, while cosmologists worldwide have made huge strides in recent years with the help of advanced probes such as satellites and space telescopes, many of the deepest mysteries of the universe still remain to be solved.

Gluscevic, Gabilan Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy, combines the tools of theoretical astrophysics, particle physics and astronomical data analysis to explore dark matter, dark energy and processes that shaped the universe before the time of the first stars. Her research involves coming up with new ways of using objects and phenomena that we see in our universe throughout cosmic history — observables from the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation that comes to us almost from the time of the Big Bang to populations of dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way — in order to test the fundamental fabric of nature.

The primary research interests of Pierpaoli, professor of physics and astronomy, are the CMB and the large-scale structure of the universe, in particular galaxy clusters. She uses observations to understand fundamental physical principles, such as how gravity works on large scales and the nature of dark energy and dark matter.

Here, Gluscevic and Pierpaoli explain their research and discuss some of the recent breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe as well as cosmic conundrums, such as dark energy, dark matter and supermassive black holes, that still have cosmologists and astrophysicists scratching their heads.

“Very shortly after the Big Bang, we believe there was a period when the expansion of the universe was highly accelerated. Right after that, all the particles that we know about — even those that may make us up — were created.”

— Elena Pierpaoli, professor of physics and astronomy

VG: As physicists and cosmologists, we use the tools of physics to try to understand the physical laws that govern our universe on the largest of scales, through time and space. We know that our universe began with a Big Bang almost 14 billion years ago. The universe started off small and very uniform, free of any lumps, bumps or structure.

EP: Very shortly after the Big Bang, we believe there was a period when the expansion of the universe was highly accelerated. Right after that, all the particles that we know about — even those that may make us up — were created.

VG: There were no galaxies at first, just clumps of matter that were denser than their surroundings. From that primordial soup is where our own galaxies that we see around us today eventually originated, emerging billions of years ago from tiny kernels of dark and normal matter.

EP: However, some very big questions about the origins of the universe still remain. For example, we know that at the center of most galaxies — including our own — there is a supermassive black hole. Sagittarius A*, the black hole at the center of our own Milky Way, is equivalent to slightly more than 4 million solar masses. We don’t exactly know how such huge black holes form, but we think they are probably not primordial, but formed at later times during the history of the cosmos.

VG: When we look at the night sky, what’s incredible is that everything we see — all the stars, galaxies, us, the planets — accounts for maybe only a few percent of everything there is in our universe.

Cosmologists made a major breakthrough in the last few decades in understanding that our universe is made primarily of some new substances that we don’t yet understand — dark energy and dark matter. They’re very different from each other. We know they’re not made out of particles that we know and understand in particle physics and yet they decide what galaxies look like and what our universe is doing as a whole.

What I do is try to understand how we can use the smallest of galaxies that we see around us in the universe today to rewind this movie and understand what subatomic particles — particles that are even tinier than an atom — were doing at these very first moments after the Big Bang. In doing so, I try to understand dark matter and dark energy.

EP: As Vera said, the dominant energy density of the universe appears to be dark matter and dark energy. This is what we understand when we apply Einstein’s theory of relativity to interpret observations at all cosmological scales and distances. The validity of Einstein’s theory has been tested in the past on scales from our Earth to the solar system. However, it’s conceivable that the same laws don’t hold as we move to larger and larger scales, so that we need to modify Einstein’s theory.

Technological advancements of the past decades allowed us to observe many more distant, extragalactic objects. Therefore, we now have the possibility of using these new and powerful observations to revise and test the law of gravity on a very large scale — something that was previously impossible, even when I was in grad school, because our observations back then simply weren’t powerful enough. Such theoretical changes, of course, would also have implications for our understanding of the existence of dark matter and dark energy in our universe.


VG: We understand spacetime and its evolution thanks to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which allowed us to figure out that there was a beginning of time. At that first moment, there was a massive expansion of the universe.

EP: It’s important to remember that the Big Bang isn’t why the universe formed, it’s how. If we imagine an explosion, we tend to think of some space where a bomb explodes, while the Big Bang essentially created space.

VG: To make this easier to understand, let’s think of our universe as a two-dimensional universe — it’s really four dimensional, but that’s harder to envision — and the space is expanding like the rubber surface of a balloon expands while being inflated.

This doesn’t mean that our universe expanded into something else, into some space that existed before it and around it. Spacetime — all of it, what we see and what we cannot yet see — began at that moment, and has been stretching and growing ever since.


EP: As Vera said, we know our universe began at a certain moment in time. According to our knowledge of physics, information can travel only as fast as the speed of light. This means we can only see up to a certain distance from us — what we call the horizon — which is the largest distance that could have been traveled by light from the beginning of time, in other words, from the Big Bang to now. This means there’s a limit to what we can assess because we can see only a given volume around us and not the entire universe. We don’t know if the universe is infinite, or if it has other boundaries or peculiarities beyond the horizon: If these exist, we cannot see them.

“Dark energy is winning, it’s becoming the most dominant thing in our universe, the one that decides what our universe as a whole is doing.”

— Vera Gluscevic, Gabilan Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy

Despite our limitations in only being able to observe what is inside the horizon, there is a lot that we can learn from the volume of the universe that is within our reach. Some of the observed radiation — specifically the CMB radiation — was emitted close to the farthest edge of the horizon. Because the CMB radiation reaches us from very large distances and therefore we know it was emitted very early on, it informs us about moments in the history of the universe that were very close to the Big Bang. In this sense, the CMB is the most accurate probe of early universe physics, and studying it is very helpful in understanding what was happening back then.

One of the questions that we aim at understanding better from our study of the CMB is how inflation occurred and how it seeded the ripples in densities that later created the structures — galaxies, stars, etc. — we observe around us.

VG: USC Dornsife’s Department of Physics and Astronomy is an institutional partner in the international Simons Observatory Collaboration to build the next generation of CMB telescopes in Chile’s Atacama Desert. This array of new-generation telescopes will help us observe the CMB in much greater detail than we’ve ever been able to before. They may also provide information about possible new types of particles in our universe that we can’t see in any other way.

EP: And then there are other probes that are closer to us, typically, all the galaxies and structures that formed more recently. All those cosmological probes should point toward the same picture for the content, evolution and model of the universe, so part of our research is also to find the correct model that can match these very distant observables and those closer to us.


VG: Our universe currently has a lot of structure. Stars group into galaxies that group into larger collections of galaxies, sometimes clusters of galaxies. If you zoom out and look at our universe on the largest of scales, it resembles this beautiful foam-like structure of matter that forms big bubbles, with walls and filaments stretching between them. Wherever these filaments of matter cross, that’s where you find most of the galaxies and clusters of galaxies.

In global terms, we understand well enough how this structure forms to be able to program a computer to reproduce our universe by telling it how gravity works and then letting it figure out what the structure of the universe looks like today. The result is a good match for our observations, which means that our theory of gravity works fairly well — so long as we input the right amounts of matter.

Although I would say the universe is extremely orderly and is described by several laws of physics that we understand, it’s also disorderly in the sense that these laws reveal that there’s much more matter in the universe than the stars and galaxies. They also reveal that the universe is doing this weird thing where it’s expanding faster and faster as time goes on, as if something is inflating it — something beyond the normal substances that we understand in standard physics.


EP: That brings us to dark energy — so-called because it typically doesn’t interact much with light, but it does not behave as dark matter in terms of ruling the universe’s expansion. It is the dominant component in the universe in terms of total energy density. At the moment, dark energy makes up 70%, maybe 25% is dark matter, and the remaining 3% to 5%, that’s the stars, us, everything that we’re used to envisioning when we think about the universe. So, dark energy is a very big deal indeed.

Then there’s dark matter, about which we also know very little. In fact, we just know one type of dark matter, the neutrino component — a neutral particle with a very small mass that rarely interacts with normal matter — which we’ve been able to calculate comprises less than 10% of dark matter.

VG: Evidence for both dark energy and dark matter comes from observations. There is six times more dark matter than normal matter in the universe and we’re confident that it isn’t any of the normal stuff we understand in particle physics. We do know that dark energy and dark matter don’t require each other. There are theories, certainly, that try to link them together, but they behave so differently. Dark matter behaves like normal matter in that when the universe expands, we end up with a lower density of it. Whereas dark energy behaves dramatically differently.

Let me explain. So, we all know that gravity pulls things together. The more massive you are, the more gravity you exert on other things. If I throw a ball up in the air, it goes up high, turns around and comes back down again. That’s how gravity works. If I throw it really hard, it will go farther up. If I throw it with escape velocity — about 11 kilometers a second, the speed at which we launch rockets into interplanetary space — it’s going to break off from the gravitational grip of the Earth and continue floating into space with a constant velocity. What it’s never going to do is break off from that gravitational grip and then speed up more and more as it goes farther and farther away. This would be crazy, and yet that is exactly what our universe is doing.

At best, it should be just expanding with constant velocity, and, instead, the bigger it is, the faster it’s expanding. This is what dark energy is doing — it’s making the universe expand faster and faster.

Another weird thing that we now understand about dark energy is that unlike normal matter — which decreases in density when the volume of space increases — the density of dark energy remains the same when the volume of space increases. It’s almost as if the more space there is, the more of the stuff — whatever it is — there is. And so, dark energy is winning, it’s becoming the most dominant thing in our universe, the one that decides what our universe as a whole is doing.


EP: Why did I become a cosmologist? It was the intellectual challenge that drew me into this field when I was young, and even in my short life, I’ve lived through exciting changes. Thanks to the data we can now access, cosmology has become one of the fastest evolving fields in physics.

Sometimes I’m asked, ‘What would you say to people who argue this research is a waste of time, energy and money?’ It’s true there’s no direct practical application for what we study, but our research does answer fundamental questions of humankind, questions that have preoccupied people since civilization began: What’s in the universe? Where are we in the universe? Was there a beginning and will there be an end? And so, in that sense, it is important because there’s also the soul — not only practical things are relevant.

I would also argue that I don’t think Edison and Tesla were actually thinking of lighting up the whole planet when they were discovering electricity. So, we never know!

VG: I totally second Elena’s Edison and Tesla argument. In addition, our universe is so beautiful. At the same time, it’s completely mysterious. But while we don’t yet understand dark matter and dark energy, we do have the mathematical tools to explore and dig deeper and understand how our universe began, to know that there was a beginning and to figure out the age of it. It’s a whole field for exploration, so, to me, having those tools and that challenge is incredibly empowering.

After all, understanding the universe — who doesn’t want to do that?

17 December 2021

But what if "antisemitism" is reality?

How George Soros funded progressive ‘legal arsonist’ DAs behind US crime surge

Billionaire George Soros (center) funnels cash through a complicated web of federal and state political action committees as well as non-profits to support soft-on-crime DAs across the country.

For the last several years, billionaire philanthropist George Soros has been quietly financing a revolution in criminal justice reform, doling out tens of millions of dollars to progressive candidates in district attorney races throughout the country amid movements to abolish bail and defund the police.

Working with an activist attorney, Soros, 91, mainly funnels cash through a complicated web of federal and state political action committees as well as non-profits from coast to coast, public records show.

Last year, the Foundation to Promote Open Society, a nonprofit in Soros’ orbit, gave $3 million to the Community Resource Hub for Safety and Accountability, according to a recent report. The group provides resources to “local advocates and organizations working to address the harm of policing in the US.”

Hungarian-born philanthropist Soros and his Open Society group of non-profits have mainly doled out cash to political action campaigns controlled by attorney and criminal justice reform activist Whitney Tymas, 60. She is the treasurer of the Justice and Safety PAC as well as 20 other similarly named groups at both the state and federal levels, according to public filings.

The goal of the myriad PACs is focused on electing progressives to end tough policing and mass incarceration, according to Tymas. “If we are to reach a place of true progress, it will take the sustained efforts of local elected prosecutors across the country to rectify and reimagine their role in the criminal legal system — not just as gatekeepers, but as active catalysts for change,” wrote Tymas in an opinion article last year.

Her efforts coupled with Soros’ largesse have played an outsize role in some of the most controversial district attorney campaigns in the US, including Chesa Boudin in San Francisco, George Gascon in Los Angeles as well as Larry Krasner in Philadelphia and Kim Foxx in Chicago, among others. Soros also donated $1 million to Alvin Bragg’s successful DA campaign in Manhattan, funneling the cash through the Color of Change non-profit, according to public filings..

“George Soros has quietly orchestrated the dark money political equivalent of ‘shock and awe,’ on local attorney races through the country, shattering records, flipping races and essentially making a mockery of our entire campaign finance system,” said Tom Anderson, director of the Government Integrity Project at the National Legal and Policy Center in Virginia. (Calls to Soros’ camp went unreturned on Thursday.)

Between 2015 and 2019, Soros and his affiliated non-profits spent more than $17 million on local DA races in support of left-wing candidates, according to the Capital Research Center, a non-profit that tracks lobbying and charitable giving. That number is expected to top $20 million in the last two years, according to estimates from the NLPC.

“I don’t think we’ve ever seen anything like this where federal election level money and resources are brought to bear and coordinated to effectively flip local level races where campaign finance restrictions make it almost impossible to counter,” said Anderson, adding that conservative opponents are hamstrung by local campaign finance laws that Soros doesn’t have to abide by because he is using independent expenditures and not directly coordinating with the campaigns.

Critics say the policies of Soros-funded DAs, which have included abolishing bail and, in the case of Chicago, placing hundreds of violent criminals on electronic tracking systems, have led to a spike in crime throughout the country. According to the FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report released in September, the country saw a 30 percent increase in homicides in 2020 — the largest single-year spike since they began recording crime statistics 60 years ago. The report also saw a 24 percent decrease in arrests across the country. 

This year, Philadelphia, a city of 1.5 million, had more homicides than New York and Los Angeles, the country’s two largest cities. The city recorded 521 homicides — the highest since 1990 — compared to 443 in New York and 352 in Los Angeles. Chicago, the country’s third largest city, registered the highest number of homicides at 739, up three percent from the previous year. 

“Everywhere Soros-backed prosecutors go, crime follows,” said Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton in a statement to The Post. “These legal arsonists have abandoned their duty to public safety by pursuing leniency even for the most heinous crime, and they often flat-out refuse to charge criminals for shoplifting, vagrancy and entire categories of misdemeanors.” 

In Los Angeles, where critics say that criminal justice reforms have recently led to a wave of looting and violent crimes, Soros funneled more than $2.5 million into a California political action committee to support Gascon, who left the San Francisco District Attorney’s office to run against incumbent Jackie Lacey in 2020. The Cuban-born Gascon, who moved with his family to the US in 1967, said in his December 2020 inauguration speech that the rush to “incarcerate generations of kids of color” had torn the “social fabric of our communities. The status quo hasn’t made us safe.”

Boudin, whose parents were members of the Weather Underground domestic terrorist group, echoed similar sentiments during his campaign in San Francisco. A former public defender and translator for former Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, Boudin has promised to end mass incarceration and cash bail. Former San Francisco homicide prosecutors Brooke Jenkins and Don Du Bain recently quit their jobs, two of 59 attorneys to resign since Boudin took office in January 2020. 

Earlier this week, San Francisco mayor London Breed announced an emergency crackdown on crime after a spike in gun violence and lethal fentanyl overdoses in the city’s Tenderloin neighborhood. “It’s time the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end,” she said. “And it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement. More aggressive with the changes in our policies and less tolerant of all the b–ls–t that has destroyed our city.”

The problem begins with lax law enforcement at the DA level, according to critics.

“The only good Soros prosecutor is a defeated Soros prosecutor,” Cotton told The Post.

But that’s becoming increasingly rare as Soros and other progressive groups step up their funding. 

Chicago’s Kim Foxx was Soros’ first success. He contributed $300,000 to her first campaign in 2016, and a further $2 million for her successful re-election run last month. The Cook County State’s Attorney came under fire when her office dismissed all the charges in the original 16-count indictment against “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett in 2019, three weeks after a grand jury had issued it. Last week, Smollett was convicted of staging a false hate crime. 

And Soros’ funding doesn’t end with electing progressive prosecutors. In October, Soros’ Open Society Policy Center donated $500,000 to Equity PAC, a Texas-based group that funds progressive causes and was working to oppose a ballot proposition that would have seen the capital city of Austin hire hundreds of new police officers amid a spike in violent crime. Although the city has seen a 10 percent rise in aggravated assaults over 2020, Proposition A was overwhelmingly defeated last month — apparently thanks to Soros’ cash injection, which funded ad campaigns throughout Austin.

Soros’ donation came a year after his non-profit funneled $652,000 to the Texas Justice and Public Safety PAC group that backed the election of Jose Garza, who assumed office as Travis County DA, based in Austin.


Chicago’s Kim Foxx was Soros’ first success, contributing
 $300,000 to her first campaign in 2016, and another
 $2 million for her successful re-election run last month.

San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, whose parents
 were members of the Weather Underground domestic
 terrorist group, wants to end mass incarceration
 and cash bail, earning Soros’ campaign dollars.

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon,
 also backed by Soros, has presided over a crime
 spike since he was inaugurated in December 2020.

Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner has seen crime
 in his city skyrocket with more homicides than New
 York and Los Angeles, the country’s two largest cities.

Manhattan District Attorney-elect Alvin Bragg
 received $1 million from Soros in his election bid.