
20 May 2023

Yup, the Universe was born “ready for the teleological emergence of life”

This blogpost addresses an article entitled, "Nope, the Universe wasn’t born “ready for life”, which was published at the following website: "Big Think: Starts with a Bang". The author of the article, Dr. Ethan Siegel, is a Ph.D. and an astrophysicist.

In the article, Dr. Siegel maintains that because the universe was not "born ready for life" at the moment of the "big bang", everything that came after the "big bang" and effectuated life was therefore the result of "luck". 

Yet, Dr. Siegel's explication unequivocally demonstrates that the universe was born ready to induce life. Indeed, Dr. Siegel's article does an excellent job laying out the case for the teleological, life-inducing expansion of the universe, from the moment of (what he calls) the "lucky" "bang" up the present. Nevertheless, Dr. Siegel writes off the entire life-engendering process of cosmic evolution as a product of "luck" that started with the "bang".

Why would Dr. Siegel engage in such obvious, transparent illogic? Because Dr. Siegel, a Ph.D. and astrophysicist - aka "a Science Communicator" - has an Agenda. You see, a "lucky" "bang" possesses no inherent meaning or purpose. It's a random, unguided event, and whatever it spawns is by definition the product of indifference. 

A universe that was born ready to induce life would give meaning and purpose to the cattle, because that sort of universe implies a beneficent Creator. Meaning and purpose are good things. They are crucial to human well-being. But they are reserved for a very select, chosen group of people. The cattle can never be allowed to have meaning or purpose, because meaning and purpose can lead to hope - and if the cattle acquire hope, it can be dangerous a very select, chosen group of people.

The cattle must be denied meaning, purpose, and hope. The cattle are fit only for exploitation and slaughter. And Dr. Siegel's argument regarding a "lucky" "bang" does the trick. It pens the cattle into a miserable, meaningless existence, where they can be exploited and slaughtered without ever even understanding what is going on around them.

A very select, chosen group of people can never allow the cattle to think they have a beneficent Creator; the cattle must at all times be deprived of meaning, purpose, and hope.

No Think: Starts with a Lie. 

The Big Lie. 

"Ethan Siegel is a Ph.D. astrophysicist and author of "Starts with a Bang!" He is a science communicator, who professes physics and astronomy at various colleges. He has won numerous awards for science writing since 2008 for his blog, including the award for best science blog by the Institute of Physics. His two books "Treknology: The Science of Star Trek from Tricorders to Warp Drive" and "Beyond the Galaxy: How humanity looked beyond our Milky Way and discovered the entire Universe" are available for purchase at Amazon. Follow him on Twitter @startswithabang." 

12 May 2023

"Migrant village" for conservative Americans to be built in Russia

Thousands of Westerners want to flee “radical liberal values,” a Russian immigration attorney has claimed

Construction of an “American village” for 200 families of conservative immigrants will start in Moscow Region in 2024, immigration attorney Timur Beslangurov has revealed.

Beslangurov, a partner in the Vista law firm, brought up the new settlement at a session of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum on Thursday.

“Basically, they are Orthodox Christians, Americans and Canadians who, for ideological reasons, want to move to Russia,” he said. 

The regional government approved the construction, but the prospective immigrants are funding the settlement themselves, according to Beslangurov. It will be built in the Serpukhov district, due south of the Russian capital.

Tens of thousands of Westerners would like to move to Russia, the attorney claimed, including people with no Russian roots. 

“The reasons are known, it’s the imposition of radical left-liberal values in the West, which basically have no limits. Today they have 70 genders, tomorrow who knows what,” Beslangurov told the conference. “Many normal people do not understand this, and they want to emigrate. Many choose Russia, but face a huge number of bureaucratic problems related to the imperfection of Russian immigration laws.”

One potential group of immigrants are traditionalist Catholics who are “white Americans with many children,” said Beslangurov, adding that the US government considers them “domestic terrorists.”

A FBI memo made public in February referred to “radical-traditionalist Catholic” believers as potential “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists.” After 19 Republican state attorneys-general demanded of the federal government to stop its “anti-Catholic bigotry,” the FBI disavowed the document.

If you're White and you have the will to live, you are an enemy of the state.

Since 1865, things have been going wrong.

Since 1913, things have been deteriorating.

Since 1945, things have been disastrous.

Probably just a coincidence.