
13 July 2008

Divide & conquer: balkanization, USA style ...

Just as a flower begins as a seed, takes root, germinates, grows, and releases its fragrance, so too do humans (and ALL living things) begin as a seed at conception, take root, grow, and become conscious. The generations pass, and you wind up with all of the

Associated Press: Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is
encouraging Hispanics to support Sen. Barack Obama in the
presidential election as
part of a minority alliance.

beautiful kinds of life-forms that you see in the world today.

Consciousness is to humans what fragrance is to flowers, and I would no more do away with all the varieties of Nature's flowers than I would do away with the varieties of mankind. These differences, these varieties, make life beautiful and interesting.

These differences are literally gifts from God, and not only are they worth preserving, but to NOT preserve them would be the dehumanization of us ALL, until this entire planet is an ecologically devastated, globalized, corporatized slave state, inhabited by dumbed-down, Coke-drinking consumer wage slaves and atomized tax serfs.

The universe has been scientifically proven to be approximately 13.7 billion years old. If it is possible for everything to come from a singularity or from nothing - to evolve from a pinpoint-sized seed to the universe we live in, to life on Earth, to sentient beings, to consciousness-bearing matter-energy entities (i.e., human beings and animals too) - then it is possible to evolve to disembodied Consciousness/Spirit. This is the fundamental premise of Transudationism.

Slapping labels on ideas doesn't solve anything. Words like racism, sexism, etc., are used as weapons by the elite who REALLY run everything, own everything, and control societies. DON'T listen to what these elites say: watch what they DO. Everything they do is geared toward one end: destroying pockets of homogeneity no matter where they exist, because once the homogeneity is destroyed, there's no meaningful resistance possible to the global elite whose dream is the destruction of the God-given varieties of mankind. And once these varieties of mankind are destroyed, they're gone FOREVER.



Hey hey, ho ho: the status quo has got to go!

Important point: Please be sure to take careful notice of the caption that accompanies the photo at the following link: Here.

Notice how - despite the fact the Washington Times has plenty of room - they cut the quote off as follows:

Associated Press Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is encouraging Hispanics to support Sen. Barack Obama in the presidential election as ...


Associated Press Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is encouraging Hispanics to support Sen. Barack Obama in the presidential election as part of a minority alliance.

Hey Washington Times:

What are you trying to hide? This is a perfect example of how the media spins facts to suit their agenda. This is not reporting: this is propaganda - and this BS has gone on far too long. It's time to start fighting back!

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