
29 July 2008

The Russian, Chinese, Islam, Latin American alliance in the news

The Russian-Chinese-Islam-Latin American alliance in the news:

Here's a link to an article that describes the actual unfolding global reality: here.

In this epoch of globalization where authoritarianism has prospered, elitism has conquered, false flag operations have ascended, liberty has shriveled, war has prevailed, and true democracies have vanished, a handful of sovereign nations are trying to survive the whirlpool of the new world order by arming themselves and by making unholy alliances that will prolong their sovereignty and survival.

More here:
"Fidel has spoken about the crisis of common sense in the world, especially in some powerful countries," he said, according to Russia's Interfax news agency. "Russia has fortunately retained this common sense." The visit played out against a backdrop of global tension over high oil prices, inflation and a weakened dollar. But some analysts dismissed the backslapping and dealing between the rulers as a largely empty display. "We and Hugo Chávez show America the finger. It's an opportunity for a lot of anti-American rhetoric," independent Russian defense analyst Pavel Felgengauer said. "It's a win-win situation." Still, both countries are riding high on record-busting oil prices. And yesterday, the two presidents pledged to form a strategic energy alliance. "Our relations have reached a totally new level," Medvedev said after he and Chávez watched Russia's oil and gas companies sign a host of deals with their Venezuelan counterparts. The deals clear the way for Russian companies to develop Venezuelan fields, beginning with Russian giant Gazprom drilling in western Venezuela while Lukoil drills in the Orinoco valley. Wider exploration as well as joint railroad, infrastructure and banking projects will follow, the presidents said. Chávez echoed Russian calls to make the ruble a major reserve currency in opposition to a weakened dollar. "The ruble must become a world currency," he said. "The dollar must not become a world currency."
Hugo Chavez nails the Judeo-plutocracy: here.

An excellent video well worth watching.

The anti-New World Order bloc continues to coalesce: here.

"We are struggling against the same adversary -- U.S. imperialism, against countries which serve as lackeys of that imperialism," Chavez said after receiving the "Friendship of Nations" award from the Belarussian leader.

"We are winning, but a long battle still lies ahead. The hegemonist aims have collapsed. American imperialism will continue to fall."

Lukashenko was more reserved during the ceremony in a square named after Latin American revolutionary hero Simon Bolivar, praising Belarus's alliance with Venezuela and calling for the creation of a "multi-polar" world.


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