
21 September 2008

$700 billion dollars for Wall Street criminals

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration on Saturday formally proposed a vast bailout of financial institutions in the United States, requesting unfettered authority for the Treasury Department to buy up to $700 billion in distressed mortgage-related assets from the private firms.

The proposal, not quite three pages long, was stunning for its stark simplicity. It would raise the national debt ceiling to $11.3 trillion. And it would place no restrictions on the administration other than requiring semiannual reports to Congress, granting the Treasury secretary unprecedented power to buy and resell mortgage debt.

That's right: nice, clear, and simple; bend over and take it up the ass, America.
"The wizards of the Whoremaster’s 'reifdom,' i.e., the accountants and economists, immersed in quantification and reification, peer into their crystal balls (don’t go there!) and speak of the future. They cast their spells, recite their incantations, and work their magic, but little else. Such and such will or will not happen based upon what we believe others will believe concerning what we believe. This is wisdom? These are the people we listen to?"
The Declaration of White Independence

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