
10 September 2008

Ironic - isn't it?

Ironic - isn't it?

I have a vagina, and Sarah Palin has a vagina; therefore, I’m going to vote for Sarah Palin.

I’m an African, and Barack Obama is an African; therefore, I’m going to vote for Barack Obama.

Hillary Clinton has a vagina; therefore, the African Barack Obama should have chosen her as his vice presidential candidate.

John McCain chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, and Sarah Palin believes that Jesus came back from the dead, physically ascended to Heaven, and is due to return anytime now, and I believe that Jesus came back from the dead, physically ascended to Heaven, and is due to return anytime now; therefore, I’m going to vote for McCain-Palin.

Tell me: is there anybody left in America who isn’t a flaming Asshole? Anybody with an IQ above room temperature can see that these United States are going straight down the shitter – and what do people focus on?
  1. Ridiculous, voodoo, cultish superstitions
  2. Genitalia
  3. Race (and all the while we pretend race doesn’t exist; this is the Asshole factor at work)
The imbeciles who buy into the Democratic-Republican one-party country club think whatever the media tell them to think, and then the imbeciles crow about the “land of the free”; if these people were to ever have an original thought, they’d shit their pants out of sheer terror, but they’re the first ones to bang the drum about the “home of the brave.”

And where’s the resistance to all this? If one were to subtract the degenerates, sociopaths, and self-defeating sub-morons from the ranks of those who proclaim to be American patriots, there’d be no one left.

America has become the laughingstock of the world, and rightfully so. You’d better believe that the emerging powers in this world don’t buy into the b*llshit of diversity, multiculturalism, and open borders.

American politics? America has about twenty-five years left – give or take – and then it will go the way of the Soviet Union.

Ironic – isn’t it?

But - it's okay; after all, we've got Israel on our side: plus we've got the NFL, KFC, paper money, open borders, and a controlled media that would make Stalin blush.

So go ahead, Asshole - vote.

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