
18 September 2008

The multiverse: bemusing bullshit

The multiverse: bemusing bullshit

Not everyone is ready to embrace the idea of the multiverse. At one point, Perimeter Institute physicist John Moffat known for his work on general relativity, Einsteins theory of gravity told the audience that the idea of multiple universes has come up often in science fiction and thats where it belongs.” Imagining unseen universes is not the kind of science weve been doing since Galileo,” he said. Several presenters addressed whether the idea of the multiverse can ever be subjected to experimental testing.

The "multiverse": yeah, that's the ticket. Keep reaching, and while you're at it, check out what one of the greatest philosophers of the 2oth century has to say about it:

Antony Flew: There is a God

And here's the kicker: Even IF - and that's an awfully large IF - there is a multiverse, we can never know if the other universes too are teeming with life processes. And even IF there is a multiverse, we're still faced with the question of what set it in motion. And even IF there is a multiverse, how do we know Life was not teleologically intended to seed its other constituent universes too?

The materialists lose; whether they like it or not, they lose. And it doesn't matter how many harebrained, ridiculous, convoluted bullshit fairy tales they concoct.


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