
13 September 2008

Press TV cuts the Dalai Obama down to size: Would somebody please give me a frontal Obatomy?

I wish - oh, how I wish - that the American media were free, instead of being mouthpieces for the Zionist-plutocracy.

Check out how neatly Press TV cuts the Dalai Obama down to size:

America now seeks to reinvent itself to once again align public and world opinion with its ideological role of grand bestower of justice, humanitarian crusader and land of opportunity for all. Step up Barack Obama: young(ish) and youth aware; black(ish); charming and affable; happily married with blandly perfect children; from humble beginnings - a true testament to the American Dream and just the ticket to "renew American leadership in the world." ...

Progressive opinion lauds his willingness to meet with presidents Ahmadinejad and Chavez, his distancing from the jingoism and militarism of George W. Bush and John McCain, even his novel ethnicity.

There is also a readiness to forgive his corporate sponsorship, elite connections and more blatant right-wing policies as 'necessary evils' on the road to the White House. In short, he is seen as the pragmatic choice for change in the here and now. ...

Yet in the absence of an alternative in the two-party system, the Democrats are able to define themselves as progressive since anyone who might beg to differ is automatically directed to the only standard by which to judge - the Republican Party.

As such in the dominant discourse anything, even an utterance, to the left of the war-mongering, corporate interest-serving, bible-bashing New American Century is heralded as a radical shift towards uncharted political territory, a message absurdly trite in the context of all possibilities yet stupefying enough to be dangerously alluring for those who long for change.

Obama's campaign is thus running on progressive faith, commandeering the impulse for an alternative and selling back its cretinised mockery in a readily available package - an echo of the metaphysics that says commodity identity and 'lifestyle choice' can fill the void carved out by capital. ...

Were troops in fact to be withdrawn on a significant scale under Obama, US presence would still be strongly felt in the command of Iraqi forces, the continued imposing presence of the 'Green Zone', as 'counter-terrorism' agents and in the only people less culpable and more cavalier than the US army - mercenary 'contractors' and their masters; corporate America's imperial pillagers. ...

He made it clear at the March AIPAC meeting and again on a visit to Israel that the country has his unwavering support to continue its role as imperial trailblazer.

[the Dalai Obama] then appointed as advisors seasoned Zionists Madeleine "half a million dead children is worth it" Albright and Dennis Ross, who Robert Fisk notes are "two of the most lamentable failures of US Middle East policy-making" in their murderous policy on Iraq and the scuppering of the Oslo accords, respectively.

Thus while the novelty of the Obama product may be a shift away from the brazen unsubtleties of Bush administration foreign policy towards a more progressive-friendly and understated form, the policy behind the evasive subtleties means the content remains the same. ...

As such, a vote for Obama is a vote for the single-cell established order that can be anything but change.

Would somebody please give me a frontal Obatomy?

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