
21 September 2008

The Russian, Chinese, Islam, Latin American alliance in the news

The Russian, Chinese, Islam, Latin American alliance in the news:

Here: A sea change in the balance of power in favor of China, India, Russia and other emerging states is wrecking European and U.S. efforts to entrench human rights, liberties and multilateralism. Western policies in crisis regions as diverse as Georgia, Zimbabwe, Burma or the Balkans are suffering serial defeats in what the study identifies as a protracted trend.

Here: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said in an interview broadcast Sunday that Latin America needs strong friendship with Russia to help reduce U.S. influence and keep peace in the region. The interview aired as a Russian Navy squadron prepared to sail to Venezuela.

Venezuela recently hosted a pair of Russian strategic bombers and is preparing to conduct a joint naval exercise with Russia. Russian media say Chavez plans to visit Moscow Friday, his second trip in just over two months.

"Not only Venezuela, but Latin America as a whole, needs friends like Russia now as we are shedding this (U.S.) domination," Chavez told Russia's Vesti 24 television. "We need Russia for economic and social development, for all-around support, for the life of the peoples of our continent, for peace."

During the Cold War, Latin America became an ideological battleground between the Soviet Union and the United States.

The Kremlin has moved to intensify contacts with Venezuela, Cuba and other Latin American nations amid increasingly strained relations with Washington after last month's war between Russia and Georgia. ...

And he warned the United States that it should not view the region as its own backyard: "It would be wrong to talk about one nation having exclusive rights to this zone."

Here: RUSSIA will resist western pressure for tougher United Nations sanctions against Iran over its nuclear programme, it said yesterday.

The announcement came after the Kremlin agreed to sell advanced antiaircraft systems to the Iranians, bringing condemnation from the US and adding to tensions over the Russian invasion of Georgia.

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