
09 October 2008


One who has joined this small company and tasted the happiness that is their portion; who has watched the frenzy of the multitude and seen that there is no soundness in the conduct of public life, nowhere an ally at whose side a champion of justice could hope to escape destruction; but that, like a man fallen among wild beasts, if he should refuse to take part in their misdeeds and could not hold out alone against the fury of all, he would be destined, before he could be of any service to his country or his friends, to perish, having done no good to himself or to anyone else – one who has weighed all this keeps quiet and goes his own way, like the traveler who takes shelter under a wall from a driving storm of dust and hail; and seeing lawlessness spreading on all sides, is content if he can keep his hands clean from iniquity while this life lasts, and when the end comes, take his departure, with good hopes, in serenity and peace.

Hey Judah:

He, who loves money more than life itself, shall have neither.

Stay tuned ...

And here's a special bonus link in support of Transudationism:

Philosophical excitement: "One question that has arisen when considering the capacity of other planets to support life is whether organisms can exist independently, without access even to the Sun," says Chivian.

"The answer is yes and here's the proof. It's philosophically exciting to know that everything necessary for life can be packed into a single genome."

Please note that these organisms are themselves composed of and dependent upon substances derived from and created by light - star life cycles - e.g., uranium, and, likewise, these organisms too are dependent upon a holonic integration and exquisite balancing of the laws of Nature; they possess a Vital Force and exist within the soup of an integrated Reality/teleological totality: they are an intermediary step - the "missing link" - in the process of evolutionary transubstantiation, of matter becoming Spirit via evolution. This discovery proves the Transudationist concept of reducible teleology. This discovery also fantastically demonstrates that the cosmos is brimming with life processes; it greatly expands the scope and range of life in the universe! All life is a form of light, and the cosmos is a Holy Hologram.

Below is the rest of the article:

A bug discovered deep in a goldmine and nicknamed "the bold traveller" has got astrobiologists buzzing with excitement. Its unique ability to live in complete isolation of any other living species suggests it could be the key to life on other planets. A community of the bacteria Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator has been discovered 2.8 kilometres beneath the surface of the Earth in fluid-filled cracks of the Mponeng goldmine in South Africa. Its 60°C home is completely isolated from the rest of the world, and devoid of light and oxygen.

Dylan Chivian of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, studied the genes found in samples of the fluid to identify the organisms living within it, expecting to find a mix of species. Instead, he found that 99.9% of the DNA belonged to one bacterium, a new species. The remaining DNA was contamination from the mine and the laboratory.

"The fact that the community contains only one species stands one of the basic tenets of microbial ecology on its head," says Carl Pilcher, director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, who was not involved in Chivian's DNA analysis but whose team made the initial discovery that there were microbes living in this particular fissure two years ago.

Evolutionary biologist E. O. Wilson says the discovery is so important he will at once begin to mention it in his lectures on biodiversity.

Community of one

A community of a single species is almost unheard of in the microbial world. It means the ecosystem's only species must extract everything it needs from an otherwise dead environment.

"Virtually all other known ecosystems on Earth that don't use sunlight directly do use some product of photosynthesis," says Pilcher.

Deep-sea vent communities, for instance, are too far down to directly use sunlight but they do use oxygen dissolved in seawater, and that oxygen is produced by photosynthesising plankton at the surface.

Chivian's analysis shows that D. audaxviator gets its energy from the radioactive decay of uranium in the surrounding rocks. It has genes to extract carbon from dissolved carbon dioxide and other genes to fix nitrogen, which comes from the surrounding rocks. Both carbon and nitrogen are essential building blocks for life as we know it, and are used in the building blocks of proteins, amino acids. D. audaxviator has genes to produce all the amino acids it needs.

D. audaxviator can also protect itself from environmental hazards by forming endospores – tough shells that protect its DNA and RNA from drying out, toxic chemicals and from starvation. It has a flagellum to help it navigate.

matter becomes Spirit through evolution!

light to Light!

The first single celled organism – the first entity
that we traditionally would call alive, whatever it was – had no awareness or knowledge of its milieu; it could not “know” anything: its little primordial mud puddle, its ecosystem, its contextual being in an integrated-
teleological Reality-Totality, as well as the vast,
multi-dimensional Higher Consciousness matrix, were all utterly beyond its perceptual ability. And today how much do we really know? We fancy ourselves as the apex of Creation – but that is a filthy lie; we are barely out of the primordial ooze. Our position today is analogous to that of the aforementioned first single-celled organism’s status: We stand at the threshold of an evolutionary journey that no one understands or can imagine – with the exception of Transudationists. We must Ascend – as did that first single-celled organism – and colonize and explore the cosmos; we must set upon the Path of the Upward Spiral. We must Speciate –and this is why geographic racial separation is the highest, noblest manifestation of the cosmic LifeForce: it is the continuation of an evolutionary Journey that began at the moment of the Big Bang and will continue on into other planetary systems, galaxies, and fractal dimensions, until we, our Ancestors, and our Posterity either fail via extinction or attain absolute harmonic bio-immanence and undergo Ascensional Transudation.

The fragrance of a wildflower wafts on summer breezes as testimony of its love for the Creator; at the tips of its extended appendages, as it offers up its precious,

beloved petals as gifts to God – the seed becomes the scent – it freely, lovingly releases its most ethereal substance in Honor of the Creator: It gives back the love with which it was so tenderly showered; the sun’s warming rays, the gentle rain, the fertile soil, the passion of the Divine Gardener, the cosmic Beauty of the universe embodied in one simple act of efflorescence – and how many of us notice? ...

[S]pace dust spontaneously comes alive, space dust that originates from black holes, space dust that spontaneously morphs into minerals; various organic
molecules provide the building blocks of Life, and the Creator waters His incipient sentience via cosmic Life-processes, and He seeds the universe with the raw materials needed to beget Life.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust? No: light to Light!

The Declaration of White Independence

Here's a very nice article indeed from Press TV:

We will pay. We will pay because the European banks holding all that bad paper we wrote demand that we make good on it so even more of their banks will not fail. We will pay because the Chinese, the Japanese and everyone else will cut off the loan tap with which we pay the interest (not the principal) on our exploding supernova of national debt. We will pay because God loves the rich. We will pay because we will not be offered any other choice. We will pay because George Bush worked hard for all those Ds in school and became the first MBA president. We will pay because our media has internalized the capitalist system so thoroughly they can only talk in Wall Speak. We will pay because the only language we have to describe our world is that of our oppressors because we have been taught to think in Wall Speak. We will pay because we hitched our wagon to last-stage capitalism and even though the wagon has now two wheels over the cliff and roars forward, we don't know where the brake handle is located. And because we don't know any better or understand any possible resistance to the system because we have been kept like worms in a jar and fed horse manure.

And as we all know, worms do not rise up in revolt.

That takes a backbone.

I like it: I like it a lot.

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