
26 October 2008

A race-less, Orwellian dystopia: DNA Lifeprint Event Attracts Children from All Over

A race-less, Orwellian dystopia: DNA Lifeprint Event Attracts Children from All Over

Think about how far we’ve fallen since 1913. Look around you. Consider the geometrically increasing capability of dehumanizing technology. Where do you suppose we’ll be by 2113?

Of course, who could argue with keeping children safe?

But here’s the unasked, never-to-be-wondered, unexplored, unaddressed, sixty-four thousand dollar question:

Why, in the first place, are children unsafe?

The Zionist plutocracy adopts policies – indeed, shoves them down our throats – that can have no other possible end but the degradation and ongoing dissolution of society. The Zionist-plutocracy itself constructs a reality in which children are preyed upon by all manners of pharmaceutically juiced, media indoctrinated, publicly “schooled” degenerates. It does this to create a panic atmosphere of “children at risk.”

And why does the Zionist-plutocracy do this?

The answer is here:

They tax us. They open our borders. They rig our political system. They wreck our economy. They strip us of our hard won liberties and freedoms – which have been paid for with our Blood. They dumb us down such that we’re utterly dependent for the solutions to the problems that they themselves have purposely manufactured: they cash-in coming and going.

All we get are the bills. And now people are lining up to pay to have their children genetically bar-coded.

Think about how far we’ve fallen since 1913. Look around you. Consider the geometrically increasing capability of dehumanizing technology. Where do you suppose we’ll be by 2113?

People are nothing but cattle – and we’re too f*cking brick-stupid to realize it.

How long before Earth’s LifeForce gives out? At what point do we snap out of our media-induced trance and realize that we’re existing in an Orwellian dystopia? By what year we will all have shaven heads and carry the mark of a corporate barcode?

Because that’s exactly where we’re headed. And we’re paying for it. And we’re voting for it. But, hey, f*ck it: Jesus will save us, eh? After all, why deal with reality? Reality is messy. Just kick back and let Jesus take care of everything – or the government, or the military, or the United Nations, or Obama, or McCain: in other words, adopt whichever fantasy that allows us to keep our heads up our ass. And then pop open a frosty one and turn the TV on. Better yet: plug yourself into the TV; indeed, by 2113, I’ve no doubt that whatever humans have devolved into will come equipped with “media-adapter jacks.”

Fear is the Judeo-plutocracy's greatest weapon. They will drown us in it until at last we're prepared to endure anything, sacrifice anything, believe anything, just to escape the all pervasive, manufactured miasma of fear: including plugging ourselves into System-serving, dehumanizing, Judeo-plutocratic Panopticon technology.

Today, nobody reads; tomorrow, nobody thinks. And that’s the whole point: they don’t want you to think. They just want droids, cattle, slaves, obedient workers. And then they tell us we’re free because we get to vote. And the herd animals dutifully believe it – they really, really believe it.

This entire “society” is nothing but myriad layers of bullshit, encased in variegated, hierarchical doublespeak and glossed over with a patina of bald-faced lies. The entire United States of America is nothing but an open-air forced labor camp, a minimum security prison, where they let you fuck and eat as long as you obey. But the minute you step out of line, that you break the “rules,” you are faced with ever-increasing, concentric rings of power and constraint.

So, yeah, go ahead – have your kids genetically bar-coded to keep them “safe.” And then congratulate yourself for living in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”

And don’t forget to vote. After all: people have died for your right to choose between System Whore Number One and System Whore Number Two.

And while your pondering which Whore to choose, think about DNA bar-coding and keep telling yourself that "race does not exist," all while simultaneously contemplating the media-induced rapture about the prospect of the first African to be an American president.

Welcome to Wonderland.

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