The Totality of Being is not random, chance interactions within matter-energy space-time, governed by the laws of physics and chemistry: it merely appears that way. And given what we know today, from the exquisite fine tuning of the cosmos (the strong force, the weak force, electromagnetism, gravity, and what may be said to be the fifth force – the Vital Force) to the upward evolution of Consciousness via the laws and mediums of space-time and matter-energy, who makes more sense: Richard Dawkins or me?
There was a Big Bang that created an exquisitely bio-tuned space-time matter-energy universe from a singularity or from nothing, which was instantaneously, immanently pregnant with Reality – much as the moment of conception contains within it a specific LifeForm – and transcendently permeated by a Vital Force, with light acting as the ultimate carrier of information-knowledge, thus constituting a holonic Holy Hologram, thereby inducing consciousness and quantum mechanically enabling the cultivation of Divine Free Will.
A sentient, ordered, homogenous, self-conscious matter-energy space-time bio-entity can evolve via biological-life processes of Blood and Reason into a disembodied Consciousness-Spirit.
There was a Big Bang that created an exquisitely bio-tuned space-time matter-energy universe from a singularity or from nothing, which was instantaneously, immanently pregnant with Reality – much as the moment of conception contains within it a specific LifeForm – and transcendently permeated by a Vital Force, with light acting as the ultimate carrier of information-knowledge, thus constituting a holonic Holy Hologram, thereby inducing consciousness and quantum mechanically enabling the cultivation of Divine Free Will.
A sentient, ordered, homogenous, self-conscious matter-energy space-time bio-entity can evolve via biological-life processes of Blood and Reason into a disembodied Consciousness-Spirit.
FOXP2 could prove to be a crucial part of all "higher thought"
Language gene effects explored
Language gene effects explored
But among those 116 genes "tied" to the human FOXP2 gene, Dr Geschwind told BBC News, there is at least one "that is involved in the development of brain regions that are part of a critical circuit we know is important for higher cognition".
In other words, the FOXP2 gene may be more than just a "language gene". It could be involved in a number of aspects of higher thought that we attribute to humans. ...
"A large number of genetic differences distinguish the brains of these two species, not just the substitutions in FOXP2," he said.
"While a few of the genes have been linked to aspects of central nervous system development, we are still some way off from describing how differences in FOXP2 alter the properties and behaviour of neurons in the living brain."