
08 December 2009

People prefer partners with similar ancestry: Let's turn the world right-side up

People mysteriously marry those with similar ancestry, U.S. researchers say. Study leader Neil Risch of the University of California, San Francisco, says mysteriously, the correlation of physical characteristics linked to ancestry - such as skin pigment, hair texture, or eye color - are actually below what is required to fully explain the phenomenon. Also, geography or socioeconomic status could not explain the ancestral influence on romance. Not only are there similar ancestry patterns between spouses, an imprint of many non-random associations of genes between original ancestral populations is found within the genomic architecture within each individual.

This is natural and normal. It's not "hate." It's not "racism." It's not "intolerance." And to force/indoctrinate people to do things that go against the laws of Nature and of Nature's God is not love, or brotherhood, or inclusiveness: it's immoral. There are a lot of people - very, very powerful people - who want to criminalize the laws of Nature, and they want to outlaw anything that falls outside of their strict, dogmatic atheistic mechanism. Many of them state with absolute certainty that there is no God. And then they force the rest of us to live according to their mechanistic atheist creed, according to the ideology that they've successfully pawned off as science; they have
succeeded in defining science as mechanistic atheism. That is the source of their condescension and derision. That is the secret to their power. That is what enables them to strike poses as valiant Protectors of the Faith - the Faith being their unquestioning, absolute prior commitment to atheistic mechanism, because in their minds, to question atheistic mechanism is to question science itself.

These people have done what every good Marxist knows how to do: use words to paint their enemies in corners. But strike at their definitions, challenge their unsubstantiated assertions and their self-proclaimed parameters, it's at that moment that they start shrieking like school girls seeing their first horror movie. All there is is space, energy, time, randomness, and matter, and under no circumstances whatsoever is atheistic mechanism to be questioned; it has to provide all the answers, all the time - to everything.

Ask the mechanistic atheist how the first living entity arose, and - bang! - he knows. But this is a peculiar kind of knowing, because it is strictly negative: we don't know how life arose, but we know that it didn't arise X way. And how do we know this? Because mechanism says so. And how do we know that mechanism is correct? Because it has to be, because we won't consider any other possibility. And that's really the extent of it. Ask the mechanistic atheist how life arose, and he'll talk a lot about chemistry and randomness and the laws of Nature and so on. Ask about the origin of the cosmos, and he'll speculate about the multiverse. His ideology defines his reality. This is the real point that must be understood.

The cosmos, the universe - everything - originated from a singularity much smaller than a pea; the Big Bang spawned reality, ultimately birthing life and sentience and consciousness. But yet the mechanistic atheist knows that this is all just an accident: the bio-friendly laws of the cosmos, the life-enabling laws of physics and chemistry, the exquisite fine-tuning that induces sentience and consciousness, the order and structure and holonic integration that engenders and constitutes reality, the progression of the cosmos from a seed-like singularity to today's visible universe, it's all just an accident - because mechanism says so.

Perhaps it's time for ideology to no longer define reality. Instead, let reality define ideology.

I challenge my readers to consider the points made above, and then to read through the blog posts below this one. This world has been turned upside-down by Marxist, materialistic, mechanistic atheists. They define reality such that to challenge their paradigm is to be a heretic - and truth and Reason be damned.

We've had enough of the mechanistic atheist's Wonderland and his concomitant multicultural, multiracial dystopia.

It's not "hate." It's not "racism." It's not "intolerance." It's respect and fidelity to the laws of Nature and of Nature's God.

Let's turn the world right-side up.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to build a wall on the border with Egypt to prevent African migrants from changing Israel's racial balance.

Netanyahu believes building a wall along the southern borders with Egypt is an "unavoidable and strategic" measure, which Tel Aviv must take to ensure that thousands of migrants do not cross over from Africa, Israel's Maariv daily reported Tuesday.

According to Maariv, the prime minister sees the migration of Africans as a problem that may escalate in the coming years and disrupt the demographic balance of southern Israel.

The paper writes that from Netanyahu's point of view migration from Africa has already changed the faces of the two cities of Arad and Eilat in southern Israel.