
24 May 2011

reality is the sprouting of Beauty

reality is the sprouting of Beauty

Perhaps Darwin didn’t per­ceive the larger, all-encompassing order – the layered, nestled, hierarchical space-time matter-energy bioelec­trical harmonic webbed nexuses of holonic planes and dimensions – in which the processes of evolution un­fold, without which evolution could not engender ever more complex life and consciousness: but for the proto-order somehow embedded in the Big Seed, blind, random evolu­tionism seems incapable of producing anything other than chaos. Evolution seems more a cosmic process, initiated by whatever entity/force begot the Big Seed; it seems undeniable that the cosmos has gradually, incrementally self-organized - from the very small to the very large, and that we are a teleologically unfolding part of that gradual, incremental, self-organized expansion.