
10 June 2011


By Kyle McDermott


The alleged financial tsars like "Brzezinski, David Rockefeller and the trilateral commission," which monitors the cooperation between the United States, Europe and Japan, "groom politicians so that when a crisis arrives, they have a number of politicians ready to go that they can put into action and Obama is one of these."

And when Netanyahu makes a major policy address and concedes the equivalent of nothing - what happens? Obama praises him, but of course.

Shortly thereafter all hell breaks loose in Iran, with the Western media acting as the amen corner for yet another color revolution.

Welcome to the planetary Platonic cave.

There are media big shots in attendance too. Ask yourself: What kind of democracy is this? People we don't even know, making momentous decisions, free of public scrutiny. And whatever decisions they make will be sent out over the airwaves of their corporate, controlled media, to the compliant, sheeple. Meanwhile, they will do whatever it takes to protect Israel - you can be sure of that. Freedom? There is no freedom. We're all just serfs on their global Judeo-plutocratic plantation. These people and those they represent are the real masters of this planet; the so-called "nations" are just their administrative units. They have constructed a global matrix of control, exploitation, and manipulation.
The American people cannot have informed opinions on any issue of vital importance when the media is so controlled and manipulated by Jewish extremists who support Israel’s agenda over America’s true interests. War with Iran would be catastrophic; even more catastrophic for America than the “War for Israel” in Iraq, a war started by Jewish extremists such as Perle and Wolfowitz and aided by their powerful allies in American mainstream media.

In addition to Mike Wallace, the executive producers of 60 minutes are Jeff Fager and Don Hewitt, dedicated Jewish supporters of the Zionist State.

60 Minutes is famous for supposedly exposing corruption and deceit, yet as this C-Span tape shows, 60 Minutes itself is corrupt. Americans must demand a free and unbiased media in the United States, not simply one huge propaganda tool for the Zionist agenda.

There is only one way out: Revolution.