
27 April 2013

Scientists: Earth’s core is as hot as the Sun’s surface - evolutionary transubstantiation and harmonic bio-immanence

Earth’s core seems to be pretty hot, according to scientists
evolutionary transubstantiation * harmonic bio-immanence
All history is the history of the evolutionary transubstantiation of matter to Spirit via biological-life processes of Blood and Reason
New findings regarding the temperature of the Earth’s core are helping align agreement as to why the planet’s magnetic field functions. The temperature—originally thought to be around 5,000C—is now estimated to be a thousand degrees hotter at 6,000C... The new research is beneficial to all fields which study aspects of the planet’s interior. It is also the necessary data to understand Earth’s magnetic field. The Earth’s inner core is pressurized to a point of solidity, but the outer core is liquid (and the mantle above is a flowing solid). A 1,500C difference between the inner core and the mantle is needed to successfully create conditions, along with Earth’s spin, that power the magnetic field. The new number facilitates this difference. BBC News interviewed Dr. Agnes Dewaele, who co-authored the research piece in Science. “Other people made other measurements and calculations with computers and nothing was in agreement. It was not good for our field that we didn’t agree with each other,” she told them. “Now everything agrees.”
evolutionary transubstantiation * harmonic bio-immanence