
17 September 2013

Discovery: Where And How Imagination Occurs In Human Brains

Philosophers and scientists have long puzzled over where human imagination comes from - in other words, what makes humans able to create art, invent tools, think scientifically and perform other incredibly diverse behaviors?

The mysteries of creative thinking and imagination have been researched to demonstrate their origins within the human brain
The answer, according to a new study, lies in a widespread neural network -- the brain's "mental workspace" -- that consciously manipulates images, symbols, ideas and theories and gives humans the laser-like mental focus needed to solve complex problems and come up with new ideas. Scholars have hypothesized that human imagination requires a widespread neural network in the brain, but evidence for such a "mental workspace" has been difficult to produce with techniques that mainly study brain activity in isolation.
The network closely resembles the "mental workspace" that scholars have theorized might be responsible for much of human conscious experience and for the flexible cognitive abilities that humans have evolved. 


The materialists are trying to reduce consciousness to mere matter in motion. But when conceived in the context of the emerging field of quantum biology, as well as Schrödinger's conscious mental field (CMF), materialism/Darwinism cannot explain imagination; "imagination" is a reflection of free will.