
07 June 2014

The Eternal Whoremaster spews yet more doublethink
Americans don’t have a common ancestry. Therefore, we have to work hard to build national solidarity. We go in for more overt displays of patriotism than in most other countries: politicians wearing flag lapel pins, everybody singing the national anthem before games, saying the Pledge of Allegiance at big meetings, revering sacred creedal statements, like the Gettysburg Address.
We need to do this because national solidarity is essential to the health of the country. This feeling of solidarity means that we do pull together and not apart in times of crisis, like after the attacks on 9/11. Despite all our polarization, we do accept the election results, even when the other party wins. People in New York do uncomplainingly send tax dollars to help people in New Mexico. We are able to assimilate waves of immigration.
But Brooks conveniently neglects to mention the ethno-state of Israel; the Zionist entity that prides itself as the "Jewish Homeland," with genetic tests for citizenship and an apartheid policy for Palestinians. And Brooks further fails to mention why America no longer has "a common ancestry": i.e., because his fellow Tribesmen saw to it that America was turned into the balkanized, divided mess that it currently is. But the US should send its soldiers to bleed and fight and die for the Zionist-Jew ethno-state of Israel.