
24 August 2014

Africans, as Africans, rally Africans in support of Africans' interests (but "race does not exist")

That’s where the Congressional Black Caucus comes in.
John Lewis, Jim Clyburn and Elijah Cummings are touring the South to rally black voters
Southern Democrats in tight Senate races want to energize the black vote without relying on the nation’s highest profile black politician: President Barack Obama.
The president is deeply unpopular in states like North Carolina, Louisiana and Arkansas, and vulnerable Democratic incumbents there aren’t eager to be seen with him. Still, their campaigns — and Democratic control of the Senate — could well hinge on whether African Americans turn out in large numbers.
That’s where the Congressional Black Caucus comes in.
Prominent caucus members, including Reps. John Lewis of Georgia, Jim Clyburn of South Carolina and Elijah Cummings of Maryland, are stumping through the South ahead of the midterm elections to rally black voters.
“If we turn out our vote, we win the Senate,” said CBC Chairwoman Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), who plans to travel extensively. “Our votes in midterms are just as important as they are in the presidential. You need to get people in the mindset of voting in every election.”
Cummings and Rep. G.K. Butterfied (D-N.C.) were in North Carolina last month to campaign for Hagan. The congressmen outlined their view of the consequences for the black community if the Senate flips to Republican control for the first time in nearly a decade. Welfare benefits could be slashed, they warned, along with spending on public housing and education.

Watch the above video; in it, the Honorable John Lewis, member of the United States House of Representatives, states that the phrase "the pursuit of happiness" is in the US Constitution.
There is no "United States" any longer. Instead, North America is inhabited by warring tribes fighting for an ever bigger piece of an ever shrinking pie. The talk about "inclusiveness," but their actions show them for what they really are: ill educated hypocrites who care only for what they can extract from the treasury.
By the way, if "race does not exist," what is it that distinguishes the group of humans in the above photo from any other group of humans?