
04 August 2014

An Israeli web poll asks what Obama should get for his birthday: 48 percent say "ebola"

From the outside of the US-Israel alliance, it can look like the countries are so close that they are practically extensions of one another. From within, though, the relationship is a good deal more complex. One of the complexities that gets overlooked: Israelis get that the US is a crucial backer, but they sure don't trust President Obama.
That came through in a recent reader poll on the popular Israeli news and entertainment site Mako, which asked readers what Obama should get for his 53rd birthday, on Monday. By far the most popular choice is "An envelope of the ebola virus," which has tracked about 50 percent of votes since the poll went up.

Patient, Who Has Ebola-Like Symptoms and Returned From West Africa, Has Been Placed in Isolation

A man who recently returned from West Africa with symptoms consistent with the Ebola virus is being tested for the disease in New York City, where he was admitted to a hospital early on Monday morning, officials said.

A blood sample was being sent Monday to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, where it will take 24 to 48 hours to determine if he has the disease, officials said.

The man presented at Mount Sinai Hospital with a high fever and gastrointestinal problems, officials said. Authorities wouldn't identify the man or the country he had been to and the reasons for his visit.

Officials said the man was isolated from the rest of the hospital within seven minutes after he entered.

A hospital spokeswoman said: "All necessary steps are being taken to ensure the safety of all patients, visitors and staff."
Ebola is spread through close contact with bodily fluids, not casual contacts, officials said.