
09 August 2014

Bringing a welcome end to American whiteness

Dana Milbank
The disassociation of whiteness and American-ness is to be celebrated
"This is a part of the war on whites that's being launched by the Democratic Party." - Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama

According to secret society Skull and Bones member Dana Milbank, the above statement by Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama is:

"...[T]he battle cry of the white man, particularly the Southern white man, who is feeling besieged. I don't share the fear, but I understand it. The United States is experiencing a rapid decoupling of race and nationality: Whiteness has less and less to do with being American.
"The Census Bureau forecasts that non-Hispanic whites, now slightly more than 60 percent of the population, will fall below 50 percent in 2043. Within 30 years, there will cease to be a racial majority in the United States. In a narrow political sense, this is bad news for the GOP. But for the country, the disassociation of whiteness and American-ness is to be celebrated. Indeed, it is the key to our survival."

Yes indeed, the founding and creation of the United States counts for nothing; going forward, "our" only hope for survival is White genocide.