
20 August 2014

Deborah E. Lipstadt whines her way through a NYT article
ATLANTA — AN old Jewish joke goes like this: “What’s the definition of a Jewish telegram? ‘Start worrying. Details to follow.’ ” am often asked by fellow Jews about contemporary manifestations of anti-Semitism, particularly in Europe. “Is this just like 1939? Are we on the cusp of another Holocaust?” Until now, my answer has been an unequivocal “no.” I have criticized community leaders who, either out of genuine concern or to advance their own purposes, use Holocaust analogies to describe contemporary conditions. These claims are ahistorical. They overstate what is going on now and completely understate the situation in 1939.
The differences between then and now are legion. When there is an outbreak of anti-Semitism today, officials condemn it. This is light-years away from the 1930s and 1940s, when governments were not only silent but complicit. Memory also distinguishes the present from previous events. Now, in contrast to the 1930s, we know matters can escalate. Jews today are resolute in their determination: “Never again.”
If you can stomach reading it, the rest of the article can be accessed here.
It's love. No, it's hate. No, it's love. Wait ... it's hate-love: here.
Is there a ‘rising tide’ of anti-Semitism in the West?
"But critics have a number of concerns with the way the survey was constructed. The ADL presented 11 statements about Jewish people, ranging from "Jews are responsible for most of the world's wars" to "Jews have too much control over the United States government". People who answered "probably true" to six or more of the statements were classified as anti-Semitic by the ADL."
Q: What does the whiney NYT Lipstadt piece have in common with the skewed BBC article?
A: There's not a single mention of the behavior of the "Jewish People" - and the Jewish State of Israel is emphatic that it speaks for the "Jewish People" - that causes the reaction that is labeled "anti-Semitism."
We're supposed to unquestioningly believe that it's all just baseless, unprovoked, irrational "hate" that causes the reaction pejoratively labeled "anti-Semitism," as if the behavior of the organized Jewish community, which purports to speak and act on behalf of Jewry, has nothing to do with it.
Israel kills wife and infant son of Hamas leader:
It would be "anti-Semitic" to condemn Israel for murdering  a women and her infant son:
"Hamas' shadowy military chief escaped an apparent Israeli assassination attempt that killed his wife and infant son, the militant group said Wednesday as Israel's prime minister warned that the bombardment of Gaza will continue until rocket fire out of the Palestinian territory stops."
Here's more: