
02 August 2014

Phoenix Rising


Jewish-supremacist immigration industry course in Ireland taught by Israeli born Jewish leftist Ronit Lentin. -- MPhil in Race, Ethnicity, Conflict at Trinity:
“I propose an interrogation of how the Irish nation can become other than white (Christian and settled), by privileging the voices of the racialised and subverting state immigration but also integration policies. Stage one of such interrogation would be to do all we can to defeat the citizenship referendum on June 11.” -- Ronit Lentin 
Multicult and mass-immigration activist, Jewish Barbara Spectre in Sweden describes the role of Jewish supremacists and subverters in Europe perfectly. In 2010 she appeared in the Israel Broadcasting Authority video "The Jewish Community of Sweden". In it she declares: 
"I think there’s a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re gonna be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive." -- Barbara Spectre: Leading Jewish Role in Multiculturalism (
 In the U.S., Jewish Supremacist Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev writes: 
“The goal of abolishing the white race is on its face so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists.”

Thus those opposing white abolition are white supremacists. According to Dr. Ignatiev,
“the key to solving the social problems of our age is to abolish the white race.”

"Make no mistake about it," he says, “we intend to keep bashing the dead white males, and the live ones, and the females too, until the social construct known as the ‘white race’ is destroyed – not ‘deconstructed’ but destroyed.” 

Anglo-Bank/New Central Bank HQ, Truth-Graf Protest, Wednesday 5th June, 2013.