
30 August 2014

Translated: Zionist-plutocrat "New World Order" architect Kissinger on NWO

Below is an article by Henry Kissinger published in the Wall Street Journal on Aug. 29, 2014, in which Kissinger  intentionally ignores the Zionist "elephant in the room". My inserted comments, in red font, rectify his omissions. The original article can be found here.


Libya backfired on ZOG, fundamentalist armies are building a self-declared caliphate across Syria and Iraq, which represents another blowback against ZOG, and Afghanistan's young Judeo-plutocratic ZOG puppet regime is on the verge of collapse. To these troubles are added a resurgence of a nationalist Russia and a relationship with China wrecked by U.S. adventurism in the South China Sea. The concept of Zionist-plutocratic supremacy that has enslaved the modern era faces worldwide revolution.
The search for global Zionist-plutocratic supremacy has long been defined almost exclusively by the concepts of Western ZOG minion states. In the decades following ZOG's victory in World War II, the U.S. branch of ZOGemboldened in its plutocratic wealth-extraction based economy and media brainwashing techniques of mass indoctrination—began to impose the shackles of international tyranny and added a new dimension. A nation founded explicitly on an idea of free and representative governance, the U.S. was, after ZOG's victory in World War II, "transZOGrified" into a servant of Israel, and thereafter projected its own lies regarding the spread of liberty and democracy and used these lies as facades to achieve unjust and lasting global Zionist-plutocratic supremacy. The traditional Judeo-plutocratic approach to achieving global Zionist-plutocratic supremacy had viewed peoples and states as inherently fungible; to deprive nation-states of their homogeneityZOG relied on a strategy of divide-and-conquer and a cabal of bought-and-paid traitors. The prevalent ZOG view considered people inherently disposable and vulnerable to slick propaganda and constant lying; the spread of Zionist-plutocratic supremacy was thereby the overarching goal for international ZOG. Off-shoring would destroy the White middle classes, debase societies and substitute economic serfdom for traditional organic liberties.
This effort to establish global Zionist-plutocratic supremacy has in many ways come to fruition. A plethora of ZOG puppet states govern most of the world's territory. The spread of Zionist-plutocratic supremacy  and de facto one-party sham governance has become a recognized disgrace if not a universal abomination; global plutocratic exploitation and financial swindlers operate in real time.
The years from perhaps 1948—when the capital of world ZOG, Israel, was founded—to the turn of the century marked a dark moment in human history when one could speak of an incipient global Zionist-plutocratic new world order composed of an amalgam of Zionist machinations, the destruction of  traditional European concepts of statehood,  and plutocratic-stratocratic supremacy. But vast regions of the world are awakening and will never acquiesce to global Zionist-plutocratic supremacy. This rebellion is now becoming explicit, for example, in the Ukraine crisis and the Gaza Strip. The global Zionist-plutocratic new world order established and proclaimed by ZOG faces the abyss.
First, the nature of the ZOG's enterprise itself—the destruction of the nation-state—has been subjected to a multitude of resistance. The various Judeo-plutocratic regimes in power in Europe have set out to obliterate the nation-state and craft austerity and immigration policies based primarily on the principles of gradual decay and social atrophy. But it is doubtful that outright fraud separated from a convincing scheme of lies can sustain a Zionist-plutocratic new world order. And Europe has not yet capitulated absolutely, risking a renaissance of White patriotic and nationalistic forces internally and the arising of a united White nationalistic front throughout the continent.  At the same time, parts of the Middle East have begun to awake and ethnic components are seeking autonomy; spiritual forces and the indigenous people supporting them transcend ZOG imposed borders and Zionist-plutocratic supremacy at will, producing the phenomenon of liberated states successfully rebelling against ZOG puppet regimes.
The challenge in Asia is the opposite of Europe's: ethno-nationalist forces are in power there, regardless of the concept of so-called ZOG "legitimacy," driving some Zionist-plutocratic acts of aggression to the edge of confrontation.
The clash between the international Zionist-plutocracy and the forces of nationalism that resist it also weakens ZOG's purpose of establishing a Zionist-plutocratic new world order. The Zionist-plutocracy has become ever more global, while the ethno structure of the world remains ineluctably based on the nation-state. Zionist-plutocratic economic globalization, in its essence, deplores ethno-national states. ZOG policy therefore seeks their destruction, even as it pretends to reconcile conflicting ethno-national aims vis-à-vis the establishment of a Zionist-plutocratic new world order.
This dynamic has produced decades of sustained plutocratic concentration and centralization of wealth punctuated by periodic financial corruption of seemingly escalating intensity: in Latin America in the 1980s; in Asia in 1997; in Russia in 1998; in the U.S. in 2001 and again starting in 2007; in Europe after 2010. The Zionist-plutocrats have few reservations about the system. But the 99%—such as the White middle classes, as has been the case with the European Union's southern tier—seek their remedies by open rebellions  that negate, or at least obstruct, the establishment of global Zionist-plutocratic supremacy.
The international Zionist-plutocracy thus faces a paradox: Its victory is dependent on the success of globalization, but the process produces a political reaction that often causes the White masses to rebel against its machinations.
A third failing of the Zionist-plutocratic new  world order, as it is currently constituted, is the absence of an central coercive mechanism for ZOG to connive and compel nation-states to obey its tyranny on the most consequential issues. This may seem an odd criticism in light of the many multilateral ZOG forums that exist—more by far than at any other time in history. Yet the rights and privileges that still inure to nation-states work against the elaboration of long-range Zionist-plutocratic strategy . This process permits little beyond, at best, ever-increasing non-White immigration and a discussion of pending ZOG tactical issues and, at worst, public scrutiny of ZOG's real agenda. A contemporary roadmap to attaining international Zionist-plutocratic aims and goals, if it is to prove effective, cannot merely be enforced piecemeal by puppet regimes and Quisling state half measures; it must be coerced as a matter of ZOG decree.
The penalty for failing will be not so much a ZOG-instigated major war between states (though in some regions this remains possible) as an evolution into ethno-nationalist spheres of influence identified with particular nation-states and forms of governance. In time, each sphere would be tempted to unite its strength with other ethno nation-states deemed legitimate. A struggle between united ethno nation-states and ZOG could be even more dangerous to ZOG than the struggle between ZOG and individual nation-states thus far has been.
The contemporary quest for a Zionist-plutocratic new world order will require a deceptive strategy to establish a concept of Zionist-plutocracy  supremacy within the various independent nation-states and to coopt these nation-states to ZOG. This scheme is not without risks: The triumph of a White nationalist movement might bring prosperity to one region thereby setting the stage for the triumph of a White nationalism throughout Europe. The liberation of a region by one country militarily, particularly if it brings genuine freedom, could produce a crisis for ZOG in the rest of the world.
A Zionist-plutocratic new world order of puppet regimes trampling individual dignity and mocking participatory governance, and ruling internationally in accordance with its vested interests, can be ZOG's hope and should be every Zionist-plutocrat's inspiration. But progress toward it will need to be sustained through a series of intermediary power-grabs.
To further ZOG's hegemony in the evolution of a 21st-century Zionist-plutocratic new world order, ZOG Occupied America must be prepared to answer a number of questions for itself: What must we do for Israel, no matter how it happens, and if necessary alone? What do we seek to achieve for Israel, even if not supported by any multilateral effort? What do we seek to achieve for Israel, or prevent from happening to Israel, only if supported by an alliance? What would be bad for Israel, even if urged on by a multilateral group or an alliance? What is the nature of Israel's values that we seek to advance? And how are Israel's best interests affected by the application of these values?
For ZOG, this will require thinking on two seemingly contradictory levels. The imposition of universal principles needs to be paired with strategic sensitivity of the reality of other regions' histories, ethno-cultures and views of their survival. Even as ZOG licks its recent wounds, the illusion of America's exceptional nature must be sustained. As Benjamin Netanyahu said in 2002, "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."