
11 September 2014

Posing, posturing Zio-whore Ted Cruz runs off stage when audience refuses to follow script

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) is defending his Wednesday night remarks at a Washington event -- comments which drew boos he attributed to "anti-Semitism...[rearing] its ugly head."
The senator was booed at an event hosted by a Christian group in Washington, leaving the stage after the hostility did not subside.
In a lengthy statement issued after the event, Cruz said he had "no choice" but to walk away after "a vocal and angry minority" criticized his comments in support of Israel.
Speaking at a gala hosted by In Defense Of Christians, an organization that seeks to raise awareness of the persecution of Christians and religious minorities in the Middle East, Cruz defended Israel -- remarks which drew a sharp response from some in the audience.

Part of the events were captured on video by EWTN News Nightly's Jason Calvi. The Daily Caller reported that Cruz was booed after he said that "Christians have no greater ally than Israel."
"If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews, then I will not stand with you. Thank you and God bless you," Cruz says in the video before walking off the stage.
“I told the attendees that those who hate Israel also hate America, that those who hate Jews also hate Christians, and that anyone who hates Israel and the Jewish people is not following the teachings of Christ," said Cruz in his statement issued after the event. "These statements were met with angry boos. I went on to tell the crowd that Christians in the Middle East have no better friend than Israel. That Christians can practice their faith free of persecution in Israel. And that ISIS, al Qaeda, Hamas, and Hezbollah, along with their state sponsors in Syria and Iran, are all part of the same cancer, murdering Christians and Jews alike. Hate is hate, and murder is murder."
Cruz added, "Anti-Semitism is a corrosive evil, and it reared its ugly head tonight."

Cruz is one of today's premier sloganeers and labelers. Notice the way he handles the situation: 
  • "anti-Semitism"
  • "hate"
  • "cancer"
  • "hate is hate"
  • "murder is murder"

Why bother thinking and reasoning when you can smear and slander?
Ted Cruz is the personification of amoral ambition. Hey Ted, is "murder murder" when the Israelis you love so much bomb children playing on a beach, and bomb hospitals, apartment complexes, and refugee centers? Is "hate hate" when your precious Israel - no better friend to America exists, according to you - spies on the U.S., buys whore politicians such as you and bilks the American treasury for every penny it can? The only "cancer" is politicians like Cruz, who happily dance on the Zionist strings in to advance his career prospects.
Here's a fact for you to mull over, Ted: if the "vocal and angry minority" in the audience were the ones with the checkbook - and not AIPAC - you'd be posing and posturing for them.
Anti-Semitism? You mean like when IDF snipers murder school children playing on a roof and then celebrate the kill:
 Do you like what you see, Ted?
But what do you care, Ted? You don't, just as long as you can continue doing what you do best: pandering, posing, posturing, and whoring yourself out to the highest bidder.

Ted Cruz is a whore. Let him storm of stage in a fit of self-righteous indignation. Kudos to the "vocal and angry minority" in the audience.