
08 September 2014

Pro-White patriots lead hundreds in Calais anti-invasion protests

Anti-invasion group Sauvons Calais protest in Calais
"We're nationalists and we want to stop the immigrant invasion not just in Calais but in the whole of Europe," he said. "The migrants should be deported from French territory and placed in closed detention centres until they can be sent home."

The anti-invasion group was led by an activist holding a blue flare and wearing a black T-shirt emblazoned with the slogan "Charlemagne 1944" – a reference to an SS division that was composed of French volunteers

Those around him sang La Marseillaise and chanted "bleu, blanc, rouge" (blue, white, red), the colours of the French flag.

The rally was organised by Sauvons Calais (Let's Save Calais), which describes itself as a nationalist anti-immigration group.

Some demonstrators performed what looked like Nazi salutes as they were addressed by leaders of several far-right organisations, including Yvan Benedetti of L'Oeuvre Française, which was banned last year on the grounds of "racism" and "anti-semitism".

Kévin Reche, the fresh-faced 20-year-old spokesman for Sauvons Calais, denied that the group had neo-Nazi or fascist links.

"We're nationalists and we want to stop the immigrant invasion not just in Calais but in the whole of Europe," he said. "The migrants should be deported from French territory and placed in closed detention centres until they can be sent home."

Mr. Reche suggested that the centres could be funded by charities that feed and clothe the invaders, a suggestion dismissed by aid groups.

"It's not our job to lock people up," said Philippe Wannesson of Passeurs d'Hospitalités, a group that helps the invaders.

"The people of Calais are divided on invaders," he said. "Some cafés don't let them in but others allow them to use their toilets even if they don't buy a drink."

Some local shopkeepers object to the migrants and blame them for thefts and muggings.

Jean-Baptiste, 43, the owner of a grocery, said: "They haven't got any money and they're desperate. I'm not pro-White but they're increasingly aggressive and we have to find a solution for them. They can't stay here and Britain doesn't want them."

Banners unfurled at the rally showed pro-White symbols with slogans such as "Let's kick them out".

The presence of the invaders has fuelled support for the pro-Whites, which has risen in France amid the economic crisis and growing disillusionment with the Socialist government of President François Hollande. It has also caused tension between Britain and France, with the mayor of Calais demanding that the British authorities do more to stop the influx.

Mr. Reche poured scorn on the British offer to send the security fences used to protect world leaders at last week's Nato summit to Calais to help France stop the illegal invaders.

Hundreds of invaders stormed the ferry terminal last week in a bid to reach Britain and the Home Office says the barriers in Calais are too easy to climb.

However, Mr. Reche said: "There's no fence high enough to keep out invaders", describing their presence as "unbearable".

"Women are scared to go out at night," he claimed.
Mr. Reche, who left the pro-White Front National, led by Marine Le Pen, after a row with leaders who accused him of performing a Hitler salute, acknowledged that he had a "Swastika-like cross" tattooed on his chest, but said it was not "intended as a Nazi symbol".
Stop them in Calais, before it comes to this:
3 Injured In Attacks by 100-Strong Teen Mob in Memphis