
23 September 2014

US & Israel pressure Palestine not to join the International Criminal Court
An article from the NYT: here.
Israel is still, without a doubt, the spiritual center and the fondest cause of global Jewry. Many rabbis said that Hamas’s summer assaults on Israel, by rocket fire and underground tunnels, the anti-Semitism that erupted around the world and the rise of the terrorist group that calls itself the Islamic State in neighboring Syria left them feeling more aware of Israel’s vulnerability and more protective of it than ever.
It's quite an admission for the NYT to openly, clearly, and unequivocally state that "Israel is still, without a doubt, the spiritual center and the fondest cause of global Jewry"; it must therefore not be "anti-Semitic" to claim that "global Jewry" exists, and that its first loyalty is to Israel -- which makes every member of "global Jewry" residing outside of the Jewish state subject to charges of primary, treasonous loyalty to the foreign nation of Israel; perhaps this explains people like Jonathan Pollard.
“The easy sermon for a rabbi to give this year will be on the rise of anti-Semitism across the world. That is a softball,” said Rabbi Stein, who is also the immediate past president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which represents the Reform movement. “The more difficult sermon to give will be one that has any kind of critical posture.”
Sure, blame everything on that surefire, "can't miss" scapegoat, "anti-Semitism," and then react with self-righteous, red-hot indignation at even the slightest whiff of criticism. You're the "eternal victim," the only one whose suffering counts, and you'll bomb the hell out of and commit genocide against anyone who suggests otherwise.