
08 October 2014

Nick Clegg warns of 'tribal nationalism' but is unphased by White genocide

From Nick Clegg's speech:
"Four nations, yes, but also 64 million people with identities which are distinct yet overlapping, because these Isles of ours are among the most diverse and inclusive in the world."
"At the same time you can be black, white, Asian, Indian, African, European, mixed, not-mixed."
"You can be gay, straight, bi-sexual, transgender."
"Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Sikh, atheist."
"Diverse" and "inclusive" are code words for "balkanized" and "identity-less". What's more, what happened to the "we are all the same" mantra? Clegg says you can be mixed. How do you mix something that's already "all the same"? You can't. Clegg talks in circles, and the freak show marches on. 
Further, according to Nick, you can be anything you want, except a member of a nation populated by your own Kind - because that would be "racist". And where does it all end? After the paper money is gone, after the material objects fade away - what remains? Take a look at the photo. Clegg isn't very farsighted, because after all of his bullshit rhetoric has long been forgotten, all that will remain is a herd of race-less serfs, indentured servants to the 1%, the people who Clegg takes his orders from. Clegg is a garden variety plutocratic politician. He'll look you right in the eye, lie through his teeth, and smile all the while. The coming Revolution will wash him and his ilk down the sewer, where they belong.