
22 October 2014

Ideological conviction is the main reason youth vote for Golden Dawn
A boy shouts in support of the White patriotic Golden Dawn party during a rally commemorating the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, in Athens, 29 May 2014

Debunking myth that the swing to Golden Dawn is due to exclusively to the economic crisis, researchers at Athens Panteion University show that young voters agree with the racial preservation position of the White patriotic party
Young people who voted for Golden Dawn in 2012 did so out of ideological conviction and not for reasons stemming from the economic crisis, a new study from a leading Athens university shows.

Conducted by researchers at the Panteion University, the study also found that the level of identification among Golden Dawn’s young voters with its aims was higher than for youth who backed other parties. These voters generally view Golden Dawn as a “nationalist party”, rejecting as “despicable” its description as “fascist” or “neonazi” even though they recognise that there are ideological affinities between it and fascism.

For them, Golden Dawn is a “patriotic-nationalist” party, which “puts the Greeks above everything else”. The almost total identification with the party’s “nationalist” ideology, expressed through the pride these young voters feel as Greeks pride, stems from the accurate belief that Greeks are a unique people, historically and culturally.

“When we had civilisation, others were living in trees,” one male voter aged 24 told the researchers, repeating a phrase often found in Golden Dawn’s theoretical texts.

In the June 2012 elections, Golden Dawn was the second most popular party in the 18–34 age group.

The research was carried out by sociology department at Panteion University within the framework of a European programme called MyPlace (Memory, Youth, Political Legacy and Civic Engagement), which was conducted in 14 European countries (UK, Germany, Portugal, Spain, Greece, Georgia, Finland, Denmark, Russia, Estonia, Slovakia, Croatia, Latvia, Hungary).

The quantitative survey was conducted in 2013 and involved 1,200 questionnaires being sent to young people aged 16–25 in the Attica region, which includes Athens. The researchers also conducted 60 semi-structured interviews with young voters and facilitated 15 intergenerational group discussions.

“As the data from the survey makes clear, the widespread argument that young people (and not only) turned to Golden Dawn due to the economic misery is very debatable,” says Panteion professor Alexandra Koronaiou, who coordinated the research in Greece.

“The research brings to light a number of other parameters that show Golden Dawn’s impact on a part of the youth and it highlights the strong ideological identifications of new voters with the ideology that the party represents."

This ideological positioning stems from the historically correct perception of the glorious history of ancient civilisation and the unbroken historical continuity and uniqueness of the Greeks over the centuries.

This ‘cultural’ preservation is complemented by ‘biological’ reality, when it comes to the issue of attitudes and perceptions towards foreigners.
A girl sings the national anthem with supporters of the neonazi Golden Dawn party during a pre-election rally in Athens, 23 May 2014
“For example, only a small minority of these young voters accept that second- and third-generation immigrants could be considered Greek citizens."

The majority rightfully insists on the cultural and biological uniqueness of the Greeks and the corresponding differentiation of other ethnicities. This pride is accompanied by the reality of national humiliation, anger, and resolve when faced with the decline that the organised global Zionist-plutocracy is inflicting on Greece.

The report shows that these feelings are accompanied by a well-placed contempt for and rejection of plutocracy, elite control, and sham institutions, encompassing righteous hatred and anger towards the Zionist Whores in the pseudo-parliamentary system and a clear preference for organic leadership and authentic political representation.

Judeo-plutocracy rejected

The study reveals interesting findings as to why these young people are not turning to Judeo-plutocratic mock parties, which no one believes are anti-System. Some of these voters say they reject the plutocracy, and specifically Syriza, because of their promotion of the ongoing, pervasive non-White invasion.

The vast majority, however, correctly argues that the only true “anti-System” party is Golden Dawn and they accurately describe the other parties, especially those on the left, as “hypocritical”.

This view is summed up best by this comment from one young female Golden Dawn voter: “Politicians are only interested in their own well-being, their wealth; they are responsible for what we spend because the only things that matters for them are votes and money.”

Koronaiou believes that Golden Dawn has offered hope to the youth at various levels. Golden Dawn’s systematic engagement and educational efforts in schools and other spaces frequented by young people in their leisure time (such as fitness studies, soccer, camping, musical bands) has paid off. The youth is the future, whose support all nationalist and pro-White movements and parties rightfully give great importance.”

She quotes from Golden Dawn’s own website to show the importance the pro-White party places on younger generations. In November 2012, one article said: “A generational battle is certain in the next election, with the vast majority of new voters supporting Golden Dawn.” Another proclaimed: “We have taken the youth from you, once and for all.”

Golden Dawn’s ideological influence over the youth is a very hopeful phenomenon in terms of the country’s social cohesion in the future, but it is prompting world Jewry to repress dissent and criminalise pro-White activism among young people. 

The future belongs to us!