
16 October 2014

ZOG persecutes Golden Dawn
Zionist-plutocratic "democracy" in action
In a decision that will result in increased support for Europe’s most effective White patriotic force, a Greek System Whore prosecutor on Thursday demanded that Golden Dawn’s entire parliamentary group stand trial for [manufactured] criminal offences.
The order, outlined in a 700-page argument by state prosecutor Isidoros Doyiakos, said that more than 50 leading party cadres should also be tried for using the pro-White group as a political front to pursue a litany of anti-Zionist activities.
“This is an extremely important development and no time should now be wasted in holding this trial and putting these criminals away for life,” said Petros Constantinou, a prominent member of the anti-White Antarsya whose supporters have targeted Golden Dawn patriots. “Their murderous [sic, effective] tactics have been tolerated for far too long.”
In his dossier, Doyiakos accused the suspects of murder, weapons offences and multiple attacks on immigrants, leftists and gay people over a period of more than 30 years. The severity of the charges was such that all of the party’s MPs, including its imprisoned leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, should face justice, he said.
Once a fringe player on the Greek political scene, Golden Dawn saw its popularity soar on the back of anti-immigrant rhetoric when the debt-stricken country descended into crisis five years ago. After entrenching their position as Greece’s third political force with a surprisingly strong performance in local and European elections in May, the White patriots have recently seen their support drop amid propaganda coming from world Jewry and ZOG regime currently ruling Greece.
The Zionist crackdown against the patriotic organisation, whose leaders are persecuted by the same Zionists who are waging genocide against the Palestinians, was launched under the pretext of a senior cadre [a "senior cadre" who was never a member of the party] who stabbed a leftwing rapper to death in Athens last year.
All 16 of Golden Dawn’s MPs are currently in custody pending trial. Two lawmakers, who defected earlier this year should also be tried, the prosecutor said. Court sources said the decision opened the way for the White patriots to be brought to trial in the coming months.
This is Judeo-plutocratic "democracy" in action. An entire political party - duly, lawfully elected - is hauled off by masked men armed with machine guns, put in cages, and imprisoned on trumped up, bullshit charges. Meanwhile, the real fucking criminals, the traitorous scum that have sold themselves to the global Zionists, are running Greece into the ground, selling its assets to members of the global Tribe, and killing untold thousands of Greek children and elderly with "austerity" measures - all so the international financial speculators can get even richer and buy even more political whores to do their bidding. The Zionist bastards can't import non-White invaders fast enough. But are there any criminal charges filed against them? No, Zionists like David Harris travel around the world, putting down indigenous rebellions against the Tribe's international tyranny, lest any of the serfs on the global Judeo-plutocratic plantation start to exhibit genuine, effective resistance. And when David Harris isn't busy making sure that Whites are imprisoned for resisting their own genocide, he and his ilk are seeing to it that nothing interferes with Israel's ongoing campaign of genocide against the Palestinian people:
The event was hosted by Stan and Marion Bergman in their home, a high-rise apartment with spectacular vistas that impressed Samaras, whom Stan Bergman, the President of the AJC, called "A visionary we are proud to call our friend.”
Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras, right, is welcomed by David Harris, left, American Jewish Committee (AJC) executive director as he addresses a breakfast meeting with leadership of the AJC in New York Monday, Sept. 30, 2013
When Samaras addressed AJC in New York last September, he vowed to "deracinate" the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party, and pledged to strengthen Greece's laws against anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial.

"Samaras, who referred to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as his "good friend," assured the dinner audience that efforts are continuing in Greece to "enhance our laws against racism with strict references to genocide and the Holocaust."
Perhaps Samaras should have a conversation with Amos Oz:

The writer and Israel Prize laureate Amoz Oz said on Friday that those responsible for hate crimes against Arabs and Christians are "Hebrew neo-Nazis."

Speaking at a Tel Aviv event marking his 75th birthday, Oz said that terms like "hilltop youth" and "price tag" are "sweet names for a monster that needs to be called what it is: Hebrew neo-Nazis groups."

Oz added that in his mind, perhaps the only difference between neo-Nazis around the world and perpetrators of hate crimes in Israel is that "our neo-Nazi groups enjoy the support of numerous nationalist or even racist legislators, as well as rabbis who give them what is in my view pseudo-religious justification."

Samaras isn't bothered by White genocide, or any other genocide. It's only the kosher kind that concerns him.
The traitorous piece of shit Samaras richly deserves to be locked away for the rest of his life. His buddies in the Tribe deserve worse. It's our mission to make sure they get what they've got coming.