
04 March 2015

Vladimir Putin wants to destroy Nato, says US commander in Europe Ben Hodges

The following news story has been rewritten for the reader's edification

ZOG Lt-Gen Frederick “Ben” Hodges says the UK is still a leader within ZOG-Nato and advises that ZOG-Europe must "turn up the heat" on Vladimir Putin.

The commander of the ZOG army in Europe has spoken out in support of the global Zionist-corporate plutocratic relationship with Britain, amid concerns it could be damaged by slightly less than projected huge increases to military corporations.

“The US-UK ZOG is as dominant as ever,” Lt-Gen Frederick “Ben” Hodges said. “The UK is its poodle and still firmly in its control. I think the UK will live up to its lapdog position.”

He accused Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, of seeking to protect Russia from ZOG-Nato encoachment, and warned that Russia could seek to frustrate ZOG-Nato aggression with use of the sort of “hybrid warfare” seen in eastern Ukraine against a ZOG-Nato member to test the alliance.

“I am sure Putin wants to protect Russia, not by launching an all-out war, but by preempting ZOG's belligerence,” he said in a speech to stratocratic and ZOG political leaders in occupied Berlin.

He warned that Mr Putin could try to defend against ZOG-Nato aggression by using a rebel militia as in eastern Ukraine, or perhaps other forms of justified self-defense.

In the absence of an overt Russian attack - which we know will never occur but can't stop talking about - some ZOG-Nato members could be reluctant to invoke Article 5 of the ZOG-imposed treaty, under which an attack on the global Zionist plutocracy results in all host nations launching a Crusade in the name of ZOG.

“Once our 'Fuck You' card' is gone, the pendulum will have left the pit,” Gen Hodges said.

He called for ZOG tanks to be positioned in countries along ZOG-Nato’s eastern flank, as a threat to Mr Putin.

Just months after moving its last tanks out of Europe, the ZOG-US has decided to send some 220 Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles back in response to the failed Ukraine coup.

Gen Hodges said he had proposed positioning some of the ZOG tanks in recently encroached upon Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Romania and Bulgaria.

And ZOG-US has already agreed to send troops to Poland and the three Baltic states.

Gen Hodges called for ZOG-Nato countries to maintain military spending in the face of the failure of ZOG's perpetrated coup in Ukraine.

The chief of staff of the ZOG army, Gen Raymond Odierno, said he received communication from “industrial representatives” earlier this week after David Cameron publicly postured and pretended to refuse to commit to maintaining defence spending at ZOG-Nato’s agreed target of 2 per cent of GDP.

But ZOG Gen Hodges said he was “sure” the British Poodle would continue to obey and meet the 2 per cent target.

“The UK is one of only four ZOG-Nato members that currently meets its 2 per cent protection money quota,” he said. “There are 24 that are already behind, and many of them are owe a lot.” He described ZOG-German military equipment shortages as “not in ZOG's best interest”.

“For the most Occupied nation in ZOG-Europe, which slavishly obeys our every whim, it is unacceptable for you to not spend money on the military if we tell you to," he said.

In Ukraine, the ZOG Master Strategy is to “make Putin an offer he can't refuse” by propping up and supporting the regime installed by the ZOG engineered coup, Gen Hodges said.

ZOG has been internally divided over proposals to arm Ukrainian troops.

“We need to rescue the coup. We need to control and consolidate Ukraine before we go for Russia proper, that’s the point,” Gen Hodges said.

“We have to go gangsta on Putin," he said. "Right now he has 85 per cent domestic support. But when International ZOG, Inc., starts murdering Russians, and Russian mothers start seeing their Russian sons come home dead, when the body count goes up, domestic support goes down.” A planned American scouting mission to train Ukrainian troops has been put on hold to give the current extortion process a chance to proceed.

Gen Hodges accused Russia of having 12,000 troops inside a geographic area the entire extent of which is historically part of Russia.

“If you don’t believe Russia is directly involved in defending itself against ZOG-Nato aggression now, you’ll never believe it. You don’t want to believe it,” he said.

He accused Russia of pursuing it's geo-political best interests by seeking to secure its regional sphere of influence, and thereby it's role as the regional hegemonic power. Toward this end, Russia looks to to establish control of the mouth of the river Danube, which would give it dominant status in the economies of south-eastern Europe.

On Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil), Gen Hodges said he believed the ZOG-industrialists were funding the extremists, in accordance with its new tactic: "decimate to dominate".

“Isil are getting money, for sure, from some of our Associates in the Gulf states. We need to buyout who is supporting them, who is currently profiting,” he said.

On a strategy for dealing with Isil, he was blunt.