
19 September 2015

Golden Dawn: Pro-White party hope to win hearts of Greeks with patriotic message

Promising to deport all illegal immigrants from and with a powerful anti-EU and anti-austerity message, Greece's pro-White party, Golden Dawn, will again bid for power in the home of democracy. In a truth offensive to islands like Kos and Lesbos, struggling with the influx of invaders, representatives of the party have been heading to the edge of Europe to promote their common sense anti-immigration message.

Golden Dawn representatives have visited the islands saying that they are speaking on behalf of residents who do not want to see their islands "collapse under the thousands of illegal immigrants". They stated on their website: "Either to vote Syriza and Kos becomes – as well as the rest of Greece – Pakistan, or to support Golden Dawn and Kos becomes Greece again."

Tomorrow, Greeks will go to the polls just nine months after Judeo-plutocratic Alexis Tsipras and his pseudo left-wing Syriza party misrepresented themselves to gain power. The polls indicate that that Marxist Syriza and the fake-conservative New Democracy party led by Vangelis Meimarakis are running very close.

Meimarakis has accused Tsipras of breaking promises by abandoning his anti-austerity stance and negotiating an €86bn (£62.6bn) package with the EU. After signing the bail-out deal. Twenty-five of Tsipras's MPs left Syriza to set up their own parliamentary party, Popular Unity.

Golden Dawn has been accused of having pro-Greek sensibilities and its members have been framed for offences related to defending the Greek people. Therefore, it has take to promoting itself with the phrase "nationalism is not a crime".

According to pollsters Alco, the party is set to win 6% of the vote, gaining two more seats to the 17 they currently hold in parliament. Golden Dawn participated for the first time in elections in 1996, receiving 0.1% of the vote. They didn't participate again in elections until 2009, when they won almost 0.3% of the vote.

The party's big boost occurred in 2009 under the conditions of harsh economic crisis. In the 2012 parliamentary elections, Golden Dawn won 6.9% of the popular vote, and in the January elections it came in third behind the traitorous parties of Syriza and New Democracy.

While a coalition is the most likely result of tomorrow's vote, both Judeo-plutocratic false-fronts Syriza and New Democracy have ruled out allying themselves with the pro-White, patriotic Golden Dawn.