
15 December 2015

The future belongs to us: Young people vote patriotic right in Europe

The bottom line here is positive: more and more young people all across Europe are responding positively to the pro-White message. This bodes extremely well for the future. Aside from this bottom line, take-away message, the below article from Deutsche Welle is pure garbage. It contains the usual assortment of self-righteous assertions, unbuttressed assumptions, Orwellian abuse of language, and propaganda masking as journalism. A perfect example is the article's use of the phrase "German young people 'historically educated'"; in plain English this means that German children have been indoctrinated into the state's ideology. Apparently, the state's brainwashing of German children regarding "the horrors of the last time a far-right regime" was in power is peculiarly limited in scope - Israel's fascist Likud regime is not included in the ZOG state's indoctrination regimen; indeed, Germany supplies the fascists in Israel with Dolphin class submarines, which can launch long-range cruise missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The taxes of the brainwashed German children are used to supply the fascist Israel with these submarines. Rudolf van Hüllen,  a "political researcher" and "expert on right-wing extremism", says that he sees "...a strong and self-confident generation that's growing up today." Always with the self-serving twist: why is the current German generation "strong and self-confident"? We're not told. But it must have something to do with their trained acquiescence to their own genocide, which is of course a moral imperative, at least according to the likes of van Hüllen. What does van Hüllen think of the current generation growing up in Israel? 

The article equates "far-right" with "danger", and treats "democracy" as the greatest good. It uses words like "lure" because "lure" denotes bad-faith trickery. And only bad-faith trickery could possibly motivate someone to resist the genocide of their people.

"Clear and simple" messages are somehow evil. Far better that we speak to one another in convoluted lies, like the System Whore politicians who represent globalism and Zionism. Also wicked is presenting yourself as "cool and down-to-earth"; presumably the usurper in White House, Obama, is exempt from this accusation of wickedness, since he has gone to great lengths to present himself as "cool and down-to-earth". 

Identity is also taboo, unless it is couched in some kind of soulless, globalistic, feel-good orgy of altruistic universalism, with the exception of course again being the self-Chosen fascist regime holed-up in Israel.  In another shameless spasm of hypocrisy, the mindset of "us and them" is likewise denounced as illegitimate, even though the Chosen have made it into an art form. "Us and them" is abhorrent for European people because it provides a framework for common resistance to their ongoing dispossession, but "us and them" is laudatory and noble when practiced by fascist Israel.

The article concludes with an explosion of high octane bullshit. "Democracy" is somehow in peril. We don't know what is meant by "democracy," although likely it involves the international Zionist-plutocracy getting what it wants. "Democracy" also means large swathes of the electorates throughout Europe being denied political representation, such as the very recent case wherein the Socialists and Republicans tag-teamed the National front in France, or as in the case of the Vlaams Belang, which has continued to be subjected to a cordon sanitaire, whereby all the other Flemish parties have conspired to systematically exclude the party and to never form a coalition with it.  

The final paragraph is classic elitist condescension: "We have to take this phenomenon in Europe very seriously," she said. "More and more xenophobia and prejudices and a growing distance between young voters and politicians constitute dangers for democracy and for an open-minded, liberal society." Yes, either you agree with the forces of globalist, one-world, genocidal tyranny, or you are not "open-minded"; further, unless you favor your own dispossession, you endanger "liberal" society. And all this has to be taken very seriously. We can't allow "xenophobia" and "prejudices" to run wild. The Peoples of Europe might get the racist idea that they have the right to survive and to control their own destinies.

You can read the article, either by scrolling down, or by clicking here. Just make sure you have a barf-bag handy. 


In the European Union, which was founded upon ideals of democracy and inclusion, more and more young people are turning to far-right parties that lure them in with simple messages. Some experts see democracy in danger.

The National Front in France and the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) are just two examples of far-right nationalist parties that are currently receiving an upsurge in support in European Union member states - and they're especially popular with younger voters. Even though the National Front didn't win any regions in the second round of France's regional elections, it managed to pick up 35 percent of votes from 18-to-34-year-olds in the first round. And in state parliamentary elections in Austria's Vienna district, the FPÖ picked up 24 percent of the vote among under-30-year-olds.

In countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark and Poland, far-right parties are gaining traction among young voters as well. One reason: the longing for a national identity inside the European Union.

The far-right parties "place great emphasis on the issue of identity," Jan-Phillip Albrecht, a member of the European Parliament for the Green Party, told German daily "Die Welt." "And that's something that young people are always looking for."

Campaigning with a hip hop election ad

In Austria, support for the FPÖ does not come from all young voters, but from one group in particular: young men, many with low levels of education. Party leader Heinz-Christian Strache tries to appeal to this demographic by presenting himself as himself as cool and down-to-earth.

He doesn't wear suits, but jeans and sunglasses, and he even filmed a music video with rapper MC Blue as an ad for the Vienna regional elections in October. In it, young people chant "HC, HC," Strache's nickname, over an amped-up version of the famous Strauss waltz "The Blue Danube."

Although this seems odd at first, it fits perfectly with the explanation the Democracy Centre Vienna has for the FPÖ's success with parts of the younger generation.

"They campaign aggressively, but their party program doesn't play much of a role," Gertraud Diendorfer, head of the Democracy Centre Vienna, told DW. "They have clear and very simple messages."

She puts the preponderance of male support for the party largely down to the dearth of female FPÖ politicians.

Us vs. them

One central message is the idea of "us and them," which is becoming ever more popular, especially in countries that are feeling the heat of the refugee crisis. One of them is Austria, through which the thousands of refugees wanting to reach Germany via the Balkan route pass - and sometimes stay.

Many young men with low levels of education are worried that these refugees will take away their low-skilled jobs, which is why they move toward the FPÖ, Diendorfer explains. And the FPÖ knows exactly how to catch them.

"They go to the discos at night and talk to people there," Diendorfer said. "Their rhetoric is full of black-and-white: the foreigners are freeloaders, different and worth less than the 'we-group.'"

That has worked well for other politicians as well. Hungary's Prime Minister Victor Orban has erected a wall against the refugees and asked his citizens in a national poll whether refugees should be deported, locked up or sentenced to forced labor when they enter the country illegally.

German young people 'historically educated'

In Germany, too, the mood has been growing more hostile towards refugees, the more that arrive, as the sadly high number of burning refugee homes shows. But the far-right German National-Democratic Party (NPD) is not as successful as nationalist parties in other European countries. It currently holds seats in only one of the country's 16 state parliaments: in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where it garnered 6 percent in the state elections in 2011.

Rudolf van Hüllen, a political researcher and expert on right-wing extremism, believes that young people in Germany don't fall for the NPD in droves, because the country does a good job educating them about the horrors of the last time a far-right regime was in power during the Third Reich. Starting prevention early, he says, is key.

"That's what makes youth and young adults less susceptible to any form of extremism: right-wing, left-wing and Islamism," van Hüllen told daily "Die Welt." "I see encouraging success there. It's a strong and self-confident generation that's growing up today."

Still, the NPD is also aiming to garner more support among young people by shedding its skinhead neo-Nazi style .

'Dangers for democracy'

Society needs to intervene in places where nationalist parties are gaining more ground among young people, Gertraud Diendorfer says. The head of the Democracy Centre Vienna emphasizes that parties like the FPÖ and its equivalents should not be left alone to spread their rhetoric among young people.
Instead, other politicians need to approach youth and young adults who feel the established parties have nothing to offer them. If this chasm between disenchanted young voters and democratic parties cannot be bridged, it could have serious consequences for Europe, according to Diendorfer.

"We have to take this phenomenon in Europe very seriously," she said. "More and more xenophobia and prejudices and a growing distance between young voters and politicians constitute dangers for democracy and for an open-minded, liberal society."