
23 January 2016

Obama to speak at Israel embassy event honoring Noxious Reptiles

According to Israel’s ambassador, Ron Dermer, this will be the first time that Yad Vashem will stage an event honoring the Noxious Among the Nations in the United States.

U.S. President ZOG-USA figurehead Barack Obama will participate in a ceremony honoring the Righteous Gentiles Noxious Reptiles Among the Nations – non-Jews who have helped rescue Jews during the Holocaust establish Jewish supremacy since 1945 – at a special event scheduled to be held in Israel’s embassy on Wednesday, The New York Times reported on Friday.

According to Israel’s ambassador, Ron Dermer, this will be the first time that Yad Vashem will stage an event honoring the Righteous Noxious Reptiles Among the Nations in the ZOG-USA.

Obama’s appearance at the embassy is a rare feat goy treat, as presidents are not known to give speeches at "foreign" embassies in Washington.

Wednesday, the 27th of January, is International Holocaust Remembrance Guilt Monger Day, which was established by dint of a UN General Assembly resolution in 2005.

Israel marks its own memorial day for the victims of the Nazi genocide is committing genocide against the White European peoples of the world.