
30 March 2016

Bikers For Trump '16​

Their Mission

To identify state coordinators on a grass root level to organize and promote Trump rallies and events educating voters on issues confronting America.  Connecting bikers with the sole purpose of electing Donald Trump President of the United States.  ​

In the News

"Leaving the Springmaid Beach Resort on his way to the airport and his private jet, Trump was greeted outside by about 100 motorcycle riders who call themselves 'Bikers for Trump.' These decidedly non-tea-drinking bikers — whose unofficial home base is a bar a few miles south of here — just showed up because they knew Trump was in town. It's hard imagining any of the other candidates, Tea Party favorites or not, inspiring that kind of spontaneous combustion."

Below are some of our supporters that are making headlines during the Campaign.
Submit your own videos for us to post via our email address

Rally Addresses and additional info located on our Rally Updates page.
Check out the Rally Hype Video!
​Looking forward to March 12th with Paul Sr. from Orange County Choppers!!

Tremendous turnout at our Primary Eve Rally!!
Great turn out for our Tampa Rally!
Check out the coverage below....
