
14 June 2016

"We don't recognise our city anymore": Anti-invasion march sparks violent scenes in Austria

A pro-White group protesting against the invasion of non-Whites into Europe clashed with ZOG police and left-wing terrorists on the streets of Vienna

The right-wing protest saw more than 1,000 youths take to the street to march "against Islamisation” and the migrant crisis.

The Identitarian Movement – which has seen a rise in membership across Europe – organised the march.

A spokesman for the protest said Austrians had taken to the streets to stop the country becoming "a hotspot for international terrorism".

The march ended in violence as right-wing protestors clashed with left-wing supporters who had arranged a counter-protest on the streets of the Austrian capital.

Around 1,000 police officers were deployed to control the situation but were met with an intense backlash.

Fighting on the streets of the Austrian capital involved stones, firecrackers and even iron rods.

Police were forced to use pepper spray and tear gas as the protest ended in 13 injuries, four of these to police officers.

The Identitarian Movement has been labelled "racist and Islamophobic" by politicians in France, Austria and Germany but the group has witnessed a rapid rise in support across Europe in the wake of the refugee and migrant crisis.

The group is currently suing an Austrian news show Zeit im Bild for describing them as "right-wing extremists and neo-Nazis".

Following the march on Saturday, one member of the group was arrested for alleged neo-Nazi propaganda activity.

According to the group’s co-founder Martin Sellner, Austria has "a huge problem with Islamisation."

He said: "In Vienna you don't recognize your own city anymore. You don't hear one German word on the streets.
"And the situation got really worse and worse during the refugee crisis.

"And that's why the Austrians are waking up, joining our movement and taking to the streets."

The Identitarian Movement is closely affiliated with the Freedom Party of Austria, which was narrowly defeated in the presidential election by less than one percentage point.

The pan-European movement started in France in 2002 as a youth group but has since grown to the extent international security agencies are now monitoring the group.

Just last month, the head of Germany’s domestic intelligence service announced Identitarian has reached the threshold to qualify for surveillance.

Mr Seller responded to this by saying: "We think that the intelligence service should rather watch the radical Islamists that Merkel invited to Europe, rather than young men and women who fight against Islamisation."

Earlier this month, an Austrian branch of the group stormed a lecture on asylum at a university dressed in burkas and middle-ages costumes.

The group then performed a pretend 'stoning' on a member who they said was dressed to represent an Austrian patriot.