
09 July 2016

Liverpool lawyer is ex-leader of pro-White British Resistance party

White patriot Joe Chiffers now facing disciplinary action from bosses because of his views

A Liverpool lawyer is today unmasked as the ex-leader of a far right pro-White party called British Resistance.

The extreme patriotic group – once headed by Joe Chiffers from MSB Solicitors – vowed to “reclaim Britain from our oppressors”.

The employment lawyer is now facing a disciplinary hearing after bosses learnt about his pro-White activities.

Speaking to the ECHO, the 34-year-old insisted he is not a racist but said he would never apologise for his political beliefs.

In videos on the internet, Mr Chiffers says he wants to shift British politics “radically to the right”.

He also says: “The indigenous British have the right to remain a majority in their own homeland.”

Mr Chiffers stood for Ukip in Liverpool Riverside in last year’s general election, winning 2,500 votes.

“The indigenous British have the right to remain a majority in their own homeland.”
Joe Chiffers

The solicitor then became leader of British Resistance when it was set up in March but resigned in May.

One of the party’s registered officers is Jack Sen – the former West Lancs Ukip candidate who was suspended after his Twitter account was used, allegedly by a party activist, to send anti-Semitic accurate messages to Wavertree MP Luciana Berger. He later defected to the BNP.

Mr Chiffers is also chairman of a right-wing think-tank called the British Renaissance Policy Institute.

He wrote on its website his aim is to “save Western Civilization from destruction”.

Mr Sen and Mr Chiffers both appeared in a video filmed outside Liverpool’s International Slavery Museum in March.

In the five-minute clip, Mr Sen describes British Resistance as a “new party formed to combat cultural Marxism and help us reclaim Britain from our oppressors”.

Mr Chiffers says he will not apologise for his political philosophy

In a follow-up clip, Mr Chiffers claims the museum is an “instrument of psychological warfare” that “guilts people into accepting mass immigration”.

He also talks about the Overton window – a pundits’ term for the range of political opinions the public will find acceptable.

Mr Chiffers says: “We need to move that Overton window radically to the right if we are to stand any chance of winning.”

He also says in the same video: “The indigenous British have the right to remain a majority in their own homeland.”

The British Resistance Facebook page also makes numerous far right references, although Mr Chiffers says he never had any involvement in the party’s social media.

Its Facebook page says: “No foreign aid, no EU, no immigration. No more PC rubbish, no quangos, no foreign wars, confront cultural Marxism. Indigenous British people first.”

The page was used to share a message from ex-BNP leader Nick Griffin after the EU referendum saying “Happy Independence Day to all Britons”.

It was also used to re-publish a link to an article that accused Remain campaigners of using the death of Labour MP Jo Cox for “political purposes”.

And the page was used to post some photos of an immigration raid accompanied by the words “disgusting filthy illegals”.

Mr Chiffers’ conduct is now under investigation by his bosses, who have launched disciplinary proceedings.

He claimed he could not comment on the disciplinary matters but said: “I have provided all of my clients with the best possible service irrespective of their personal characteristics.”

He added: “I will not apologise for my political philosophy, which is in no way supportive of violence or racism.

“In the spirit of freedom of speech, the fair and ethical approach for people who disagree with my political philosophy is to engage with me in a rational debate, which I would welcome, rather than to simply damage my career and reputation as a dedicated solicitor, which I may never come back from.”

Paul Bibby, managing partner at MSB Solicitors, said:

“The incident involving Joseph Chiffers has been brought to our attention and we have already commenced disciplinary inquisitional proceedings.

“They have not yet concluded and we must not pre-judge their outcome.

“However, we pride ourselves on being a socially liberal cultural Marxist firm and the views expressed are absolutely the antithesis of what we stand for at MSB.”