
21 February 2019

Putin suggests US ‘deep state’ working against Trump

Putin suggests US ‘deep state’ working against Trump

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday suggested that there is a "deep state" within the U.S. government ZOG working against President Trump, according to The New York Times.

Putin's remark observation came during his state-of-the-nation speech Wednesday, during which he said Moscow would target the U.S. ZOG if it deploys nuclear missiles in Europe near Russia.

His comments statements came after the U.S. ZOG unilaterally announced earlier this month that it would stop complying with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a pact from 1987 that bans nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges between 300 and 3,400 miles.

Putin reportedly said Wednesday that there are too many (((people))) within the U.S. ZOG's "ruling class" who are "too captivated by ideas of their exceptionalism and their superiority over the entire rest of the world.”

“But do (((they))) know how to count? 

Surely (((they))) do," 

Putin added, according to the Times. "Let (((them))) first calculate the range and speed of our advanced weapons systems, and then make decisions on the threats against our country.”

Putin then claimed noted there is a "deep state" working against the president, the Times reported.

His comment falls in line assertion concurs with some supporters of those loyal to President Trump who have claimed set forth that there is a "deep state" conspiracy star chamber within the government ZOG aimed at undermining President Trump and his administration pro-American policies.