
07 March 2019

Spanish nationalist party joins Orban in his defence of the Europe of nations

Spanish nationalist party joins Orban in his defence of the Europe of nations

The Secretary-General of Spanish far-right party Vox defended the need to safeguard Europe by defending its nations against ‘Merkel, Macron and Soros globalism’ during an event in the European Parliament on Wednesday (6 March).

“The best way to defend Europe is by defending every single one of the nations that form the continent,” Javier Ortega Smith told an audience full of supporters. 

The ultra-nationalist Vox might be the first hard right-wing force to enter the Spanish Parliament since the re-establishment of democracy in the country in 1978, after forty years of dictatorship.

Ortega Smith denounced the “globalism” of “Merkel, Macron, Soros” and the “multiculturalism” that wants to “rip off Europe’s soul” by opening the doors to the “migratory invasion.”

This narrative is very much in line with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who blamed Brussels and Hungarian magnate George Soros for the spike in migration in Europe in the past few years. So, too, is the focus on the defence of the nation and Christian values.

On Wednesday, the European Commission announced that migration to Europe has fallen to pre-2015 crisis levels.

Unlike other far-right forces in Europe, Vox is not considered “anti-European”. However, during the event, Ortega Smith claimed that it is Europe, not the institutions, what needs to be defended, in a clear reference to the Union

The secretary-general criticised the “excessive bureaucratisation” of the EU and pointed out to the “hostility” of the voters towards the bloc. According to Ortega Smith, the electorate feels that “Europe does not project its nations.”

After the upcoming European elections in May, he said, Vox MEPs “will defend Europe by defending Spain.” 

What place for Vox in the Parliament

Recent polls show that Vox will not only enter the Spanish Parliament but will soon win seats in Brussels as well, though it’s unclear which political group they might join.

The Vox secretary-general Javier Ortega Smith explained that during his trip to Brussels, he held several meetings with potential political groups Vox might be welcomed to join but added a decision would be taken only after the elections. 

The Europen Conservative and Reformists could be an option of Vox, as they will be joined by ultranationalist Debout la France and Forum for Democracy in the Netherlands.

Italian Lega, led by Matteo Salvini, has established strong ties with Poland’s Law and Justice party as well and could enter the group too.

Vox shares with them their hardline policy towards migration and their nationalism. However, Belgium’s N-VA is also a member of the ECR. As the Flemish nationalists have been the main support for Catalan separatists in Belgium, it seems unlikely that Vox would like to share the group with them.