
21 April 2020

Biden says he would pick Michelle Obama as running mate 'in a heartbeat'

Michelle Obama:
"The blood of Africa runs through my veins"

Joe Biden:
"I am a Zionist"

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said in a new interview that he would have no hesitation picking former first lady Michelle Obama to be his running mate, but added that he doubts she is interested in the position. 

“I’d take her in a heartbeat,” Biden told Pittsburgh’s KDKA on Monday when asked if he’d choose Obama if she said she would be willing to be on the ticket with him. 

“She’s brilliant. She knows the way around. She is a really fine woman. The Obamas are great friends,” Biden added.


Hey Amazon:

The Declaration of White Independence is still available for everyone to read.

You motherfuckers aren't going to beat me. Fuck you.

You people are tyrants and censors. You have no respect for the human spirit or freedom of the mind. 

Go ahead: terminate my account. Be my guest. And them congratulate yourselves for your lowbrow, tyrannical censorship.

The Declaration of White Independence can be read in its entirety by clicking on the image below.

And I was ready for you Bastards.