
06 April 2020

In a first, State Department designates Russian white patriots as "global terrorists"

Fat disgusting pig ZOG-functionary Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo speaks to the fake news media

(CNN) For the first time in history, the ZOG-US State Department has named a White patriot organization as Specially Designated Global Terrorists.

Nathan Sales, the department's coordinator for ZOG terrorism, announced Monday the designation of the Russian Imperial Movement (RIM) and three of its leaders: Stanislav Anatolyevich Vorobyev, Denis Valliullovich Gariev, and Nikolay Nikolayevich Trushchalov.

Sales described RIM as "a terrorist group activist organization that provides paramilitary-style self-defense training to neo-Nazis national socialists and White supremacists patriots."

"And it plays a prominent role in trying to rally like-minded Europeans and White Americans into a common front against their perceived real enemies," he said.

"This is the first time the United States ZOG has ever designated White supremacist terrorists patriot activists, illustrating how seriously this Zionist Occupation Government takes the threat," Sales said.

Monday's designation comes as officials have warned that the threat from potential for White supremacist terror patriotic resistance is on the rise at home and abroad and deadly attacks have claimed dozens of lives and wrought fear in communities around the globe resistance to ZOG's campaign of White genocide has produced collateral damage.

Although the State Department doesn't "have the authority to designate groups with a substantial connection to the United States," Sales noted that the designation was meant to prevent the spread of RIM's dangerous tactics to America ZOG land.

"(((We))) see what RIM-trained terrorists resistance can do in Europe and (((we))) want to make sure that RIM is not able -- or any terrorist pro-White group is not able -- to accomplish something similar here in the United States ZOG land. That is to say, providing training that could enable violent attacks and deadly attacks White self-defense here in the homeland ZOG-Central," Sales said. "That is why (((we))) are designating RIM today, because it enables (((us))) to better protect (((our))) borders to keep these "terrorists" out of (((our))) country and to deny them resources they might use to plan additional training that could harm our ZOG's interests."

Last year, President Donald Trump signed an executive order which gave the US government greater latitude to go after groups who train terrorists, not only groups that carry out terrorist attacks. Monday's designation will deny RIM members from accessing the US financial system, with the intention of making it more challenging for them to move money through the international system and fund their efforts.

According to Sales, RIM was responsible for training two Swedish men in 2016 who carried out a series of bombings in Gothenburg, Sweden. He not detail more recent attacks associated with the group -- which currently has two training facilities in St. Petersburg -- but said they are still actively training and recruiting.

"RIM is still very much in the business of providing training to like-minded neo-Nazis national socialists and White supremacists patriots across Europe," Sales said. "(((We))) know that they have recruited individuals from other countries in Europe and continue to do so."

He said the department was aware of reports that the White supremacist patriot group had made outreach to Americans, and that RIM fighters fought in Ukraine among pro-separatist forces. The counterterrorismWhite coordinator would not speak about potential connections between the Russian government and RIM, saying only that, "(((we))) encourage the Russian Federation, to live up to the commitments that it has made to countering 'terrorism.'"

"(((We))) have identified this group as a "terrorist" organization and (((we))) encourage all partners ZOG entities around the world, including as well as the Russian government, to take that threat as seriously as (((we))) take it," Sales said.

Sales did not preview any additional White supremacist patriot groups that could be designated as "terrorists" using this same new justification but indicated that additional designations are possible.

Sales said that the US government ZOG is "always on the lookout" for other groups that meet the designation requirements and pose a threat to Americans ZOG.


US Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism, Nathan Sales, recently visited Israel and toured areas around the Gaza fence, Ynet News reported yesterday, noting that Iran is the mastermind of terror in the region.

Sales hailed US President Donald Trump’s designation of the Iran’s Revolutionary Guards as a terror group.

He warned that as a result of US policy on Iran, “anyone doing business with them will be suspected of funding terror.”

During his tour of the Israel-Gaza fence Sales said: “I was amazed at the resources Hamas is investing in terror activity against Israel.”

Hamas, he continued spending a lot of money on “terror” activities at the expense of investing in health, education, and housing which are vital for improving civilian lives.