
14 May 2020

Sen. Hawley calls for special counsel to probe Obama administration: 'The more we learn, the worse it gets'

Sen. Josh Hawley on Wednesday called for a special counsel to conduct a “full-fledged” investigation into the Obama administration’s potential ties to the FBI’s alleged misconduct in the Russian investigation and in the case against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

“The more we learn, the worse it looks, which is why we need a full investigation into what went on,” the Republican Missouri lawmaker told “Fox & Friends.”

Hawley said that the Obama administration took "unprecedented action to spy on the Trump campaign during the 2016 presidential election and they "misled the FISA court."

"A secret court where if you are targeted in an investigation, you don't get to appear in the court and we know that the Obama FBI deliberately misled the FISA court."

Meanwhile, Russia probe files released as part of the Justice Department's move to drop its case against Flynn are raising new questions about a mysterious Inauguration Day email sent by Flynn's predecessor in the Obama administration, Susan Rice.

An exhibit in the DOJ's motion to dismiss the Flynn case last week detailed a special counsel interview of former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates. The interview indicated outgoing President Barack Obama was aware of Flynn’s intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the presidential transition period.

The document noted Yates learned about the calls during a Jan 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting with Obama, Rice, then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.

After the briefing, Obama asked Yates and Comey to "stay behind," and said he had "learned of the information about Flynn" and his conversation with Russia's ambassador about sanctions. Obama "specified that he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information.”

At that point, the document said, "Yates had no idea what the president was talking about, but figured it out based on the conversation. Yates recalled Comey mentioning the Logan Act, but can't recall if he specified there was an 'investigation.' Comey did not talk about prosecution in the meeting.”

Hawley said that the Senate should conduct an investigation as well in order to give the American people answers. Hawley urged that the Judiciary Committee should hear from former Obama officials “under oath.”

"If they won’t come, we should subpoena these people so that they can look into the eye of the American public and tell everyone what exactly they did. Why did they break these protocols? Why did they authorize spying on the Trump campaign? Why did they lie to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court and try to get wiretaps on Trump affiliates? Why did they break protocol with Flynn and go after him the way they did?”

The filing to dismiss the Flynn case came after the DOJ determined that the bureau's 2017 Flynn interview -- which formed the basis for his guilty plea of lying to investigators -- was "conducted without any legitimate investigative basis.”

The retired Army lieutenant general for months had been trying to withdraw his plea, aided by a new attorney aggressively challenging the prosecution’s case and conduct.

09 May 2020

Obama says "rule of law is at risk" after DOJ dropped Michael Flynn case: "rule of law" = deep state= ZOG tyranny

rule of law = deep state

Former ZOG el presidente Barack Obama on Friday reacted to the Justice Department’s move to end its case against Michael Flynn by declaring that the “rule of law is at risk” -- as new details emerge about what the former president knew about the case against Flynn in the last days of his administration.

“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said, according to Yahoo News, in a web talk with members of the Obama Alumni Association.

“And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free," he reportedly said. "That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of "rule of law" is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places.”


"rule of law"


ZOG tyranny


Yahoo News, in reporting the tape, noted that Obama incorrectly states the charges against Flynn, who was not charged with perjury. Instead, Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador in the transition period between the Obama and Trump administrations. But Flynn’s supporters have long argued that the FBI set a perjury trap for Flynn.

LIVE: Obama Alumni Association Picnic
May 14, 2020

“So I am hoping that all of you feel the same sense of urgency that I do,” he said. “Whenever I campaign, I’ve always said, ‘Ah, this is the most important election.’ Especially obviously when I was on the ballot, that always feels like it's the most important election. This one — I’m not on the ballot — but I am pretty darn invested. We got to make this happen.”

Obama also reportedly cited the coronavirus pandemic as a reason to fight harder for Biden, blaming what he saw as a poor response on “tribal” trends stoked by Trump and his allies.

“What we’re fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy — that has become a stronger impulse in American life,” he said.


President Obama Addresses
Council of La Raza

(i.e., "The Race")


President Obama Addresses
the Congressional Black Caucus

"We will educate Trump."


President Obama Addresses


"our common ideas..."


"rule of law"


ZOG tyranny


deep state


07 May 2020

My latest (and probably last) email exchange with Amazon regarding the banning of my book, The Declaration of White Independence

You did receive a response from me. In fact, you received numerous responses from me. You've chosen to ignore them. In so many words, I told you, I will not bow to your lowbrow censorship. My book was on sale for over 12 years via Amazon - now suddenly you ban it. Why?
Would it have anything to do with this "journalistic" hit-piece:
My book was on sale at Amazon for over 12 years, and within 2 weeks of this smear, Amazon bans my book.
You have no respect for human freedom or freedom of the mind. You are a disgrace to everyone who has ever fought and/or died for freedom of speech. Did you know that my book received a five star review from an objective book review company? Do you even care? If you've read my book - which I know you didn't - you would see what an injustice you're doing to me.
And you can shove the royalties. I don't want a thing from you. Leave me alone and never contact me again. 
On May 6, 2020 at 11:28 AM Kindle Direct Publishing wrote:


We contacted you over two weeks ago regarding content guideline violations with respect to the book you have submitted through your account. Since we have not received a response from you, we are terminating your account and your Agreement effective immediately.

As part of the termination process:
• We will close your KDP account.
• You'll receive any unpaid royalties you have earned.
• You'll no longer have access to your account. This includes, editing your titles, viewing your reports and accessing any other information within your account.
• All of your published titles will be removed from sale on Amazon.

Additionally, as per our Terms and Conditions, you aren't allowed to open any new KDP accounts.

If you have any questions, please email us.

Amazon KDP

04 May 2020

NASA Has Translated a Hubble Photo Into Music

The Universe is a wondrous place, full of vast numbers of planets to explore, unsolved mysteries, and even 'superbubbles' blown by black holes.

But there's one thing that space really isn't: loud. Without Earth's air molecules to help you hear, out there in space you'd be listening to a whole lot of silence.

Luckily, that didn't stop NASA from figuring out a way to produce sound in the soundlessness of space back in 2019 - by 'sonifying' the above image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Yep, move over music, podcasts, or audio-books - the new thing to listen to is Hubble images.

The image NASA used for this project was taken by the Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys and Wide-Field Camera 3 back in August 2018.

The guys working with Hubble call the image a 'galactic treasure chest' because of the number of galaxies splattered across it.

"Each visible speck of a galaxy is home to countless stars," NASA explained about the image.

"A few stars closer to home shine brightly in the foreground, while a massive galaxy cluster nestles at the very centre of the image; an immense collection of maybe thousands of galaxies, all held together by the relentless force of gravity."

But as beautiful as this image already is, it just reached a new level, once transformed into a stunningly eerie musical composition.

The team that created the sonified image explains that the different locations and elements of the image produce different sounds.

Stars and compact galaxies are represented by short and clear sounds, while the spiralling galaxies emit more complex, longer notes.

"Time flows left to right, and the frequency of sound changes from bottom to top, ranging from 30 to 1,000 hertz," NASA explained in comments accompanying the video.

"Objects near the bottom of the image produce lower notes, while those near the top produce higher ones."

And although it might sound a little eerie at first, the 'sounds' of this picture create a rather beautiful melody, especially near the middle, when the sound reaches a galaxy cluster called RXC J0142.9+4438.

"The higher density of galaxies near the centre of the image," the team explained, "results in a swell of mid-range tones halfway through the video."

01 May 2020

Canuck Cuck Grabs Guns

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces assault-style firearms ban


The announcement follows Trudeau's vow to push for stricter gun control after a mass shooting in Nova Scotia ended with 23 dead on April 19.

Beginning on Friday, around 1,500 makes and models of military-grade firearm weapons would be banned from licensed gun owners to sell, transport, import or use in the country, according to CBC News.

Public Safety Minister Bill Blair affirmed the order, saying, "As of today, the market for assault weapons in Canada is closed."

"Enough is enough — banning these firearms will save Canadian lives," he added.


As if they really care about saving "Canadian lives". And ultimately Canadian lives depend on Canadian rights, and ZOG-Canada just showed that it has nothing but contempt for Canadian "rights". So, Canadian lives and the rights upon which they rely are now ultimately dependent, exist or do not exist, depending on any potential whimsical, discretionary decree pronounced by the "government". And there is - and will be - no "Court of Higher Appeal":

The United States' Second Amendment is their next target.