
01 May 2020

Canuck Cuck Grabs Guns

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announces assault-style firearms ban


The announcement follows Trudeau's vow to push for stricter gun control after a mass shooting in Nova Scotia ended with 23 dead on April 19.

Beginning on Friday, around 1,500 makes and models of military-grade firearm weapons would be banned from licensed gun owners to sell, transport, import or use in the country, according to CBC News.

Public Safety Minister Bill Blair affirmed the order, saying, "As of today, the market for assault weapons in Canada is closed."

"Enough is enough — banning these firearms will save Canadian lives," he added.


As if they really care about saving "Canadian lives". And ultimately Canadian lives depend on Canadian rights, and ZOG-Canada just showed that it has nothing but contempt for Canadian "rights". So, Canadian lives and the rights upon which they rely are now ultimately dependent, exist or do not exist, depending on any potential whimsical, discretionary decree pronounced by the "government". And there is - and will be - no "Court of Higher Appeal":

The United States' Second Amendment is their next target.