
21 March 2021

Lincoln made Biden inevitable

Lincoln made Biden inevitable.  Lincoln was the great Usurper.  Lincoln inverted the American political scheme by enabling the creation of an all-powerful, centralized Federal government.  Biden has completed the theft.  What was once a confederated White Republic is now a plutocratic multiracial tyranny.  The Constitution is a dead letter.  Biden is the senile Usurper.  He's world history's sense of comic relief.  

From "Honest Abe" to "Traitor Joe", the results are the same. 

The American Fratricidal War resulted in the inversion of the framework of government bequeathed to us by our Founding Fathers. Whereas the antebellum Federal Government was a genuine federal system, possessed a meaningful scheme of checks and balances, and was truly limited in both delegated powers and sovereign scope, the postbellum Federal Government is a mockery of its former incarnation: one-third of the modern Federal Government (i.e., the U.S. Supreme Court, a.k.a. the judicial branch, the Zionist fifth column, the Talmudists’ Trojan horse) has taken upon itself the role of declaring “what the law is,” and the “law” has been a relentless power-grab on the part of the executive and legislative branches: this power-grab has been and is being enabled by that very same U.S. Supreme Court. The Rats became the Guardians of the proverbial cheese, and one-third of the modern Federal Government has dedicated itself to handing over as much power as it can, as fast as it can, to the other two branches of the modern Federal Government.

 "...the first time as tragedy," 

"...the second time as farce."

Zimbabwe is the next stop on this line.