
09 July 2021

ZOG Central Supreme Court upholds ethno-nationalism for Jews

When Israel adopts ethno-nationalism, it's merely "CONTROVERSIAL."  In the context in which it is couched, the subject of Israeli state sanctioned ethno-nationalism is a legitimate issue which has at least two factions advocating for and against.  

But it's "racism" / "xenophobia" / "intolerance" / "hate" if any White nation even thinks in terms of ethno-nationalism.

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel’s Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a CONTROVERSIAL law that defines the country as the nation state of the Jewish people -- rejecting claims by opponents that it discriminates against minorities.

In its ruling, the court acknowledged shortcomings in the so-called Nation State Law. But it said the law “did not negate Israel's democratic character” outlined in other laws.

Proponents of the 2018 law claimed the legislation merely enshrined Israel’s existing Jewish character. Critics said it further downgrades the status of Israel’s Arab minority, which makes up around 20% of the country’s population.

Israel’s Arab citizens have the right to vote and are well-represented in many professions, but nonetheless are second-class citizens, and furthermore suffer from widespread discrimination in areas such as housing and the job market.

The law was approved by the Knesset, or parliament, in July 2018. It defines Israel as the “nation-state” of the Jewish people and adds that “fulfilling the right to national self-determination in the state of Israel is unique to the Jewish people.” It also downgraded Arabic from an official state language to one with “special status.”

The law’s passage prompted vocal opposition from the country’s Arab minority, particularly among Druze Israelis, who serve in the military.

A number of Arab rights groups and civil society organizations appealed to the court to strike down the law. An 11-judge panel, the court’s largest configuration, considered the case.

In their 10-1 decision, the court said “equal rights are granted to all citizens of the state, including minority groups.” They said the right to national self-determination “does not deny recognized personal or cultural rights.” They also said the law did not detract from the status of the Arabic language or preclude “the promotion of its status.”

The court’s only Arab justice, George Karra, was the lone dissenter, calling the law discriminatory.

Justice Minister Gideon Saar, leader of the nationalist New Hope party, welcomed Thursday's ruling.

He said the law “anchors the essence and character of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people” and “does not infringe on the individual rights of any of the citizens of Israel.”

Adalah, an Arab rights group that tried to overturn the law, said the court upheld a law that “completely excludes those who do not belong to the majority group.” It said it would “continue to work internationally to expose the discriminatory and racist nature of this law.”

Legal expert Yuval Shany, vice president of the Israel Democracy Institute, an independent think tank, said the law is largely symbolic and provides a constitutional “background” for judges to consider when weighing other cases. But he said the ruling made clear that other laws, on issues like equality and minority rights, would also have to be taken into account Israel defines itself as a Jewish nation-state, and thereby those who support Israel endorse ethno-nationalism.

“Essentially, the court, says you will have to explore these issues on a case by case basis when future legislation comes before us,” he said.

"...explore these issues on a case by case basis..."

For some reason that has yet to be explicated, Israel's Supreme Court's rationale was, is, and seemingly forevermore will continue being, inapplicable to White European nations. Indeed, Judah's rules are very different when it comes to White people. Here is ZOG hard at work in North America, shortly after WWII:

And now that Judah is fortified and entrenched in Israel - courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer - the Judeo-plutocracy is working assiduously via their illegitimate senile puppet, Joe "Where am I?" Biden and their stolen, ZOG-Congress to open the U.S. southern border, in order to hasten the coming non-White majority demographic transformation.


It's the same when the following law fails to pass the Kosher Knesset by a 59-59 tie vote:

Israel's new government fails to renew disputed citizenship law:
JERUSALEM, July 6 (Reuters) - Israel's parliament failed on Tuesday to renew a disputed law that bars granting citizenship or residency to Palestinians from the occupied West Bank or Gaza who are married to Israeli citizens, dealing a set back to the new coalition government.

An early-morning vote in the Knesset (parliament) tied at 59-59, short of a simple majority needed to extend the 2003 law, which expires at midnight. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett called the vote "a premeditated, direct blow to national security".

A law that would bar granting citizenship or residency to Palestinians from the occupied West Bank or Gaza who are married to Israeli citizens is merely "DISPUTED." 

But at least we know where the Senile Usurper's sympathies lie:

And he knows how to debase the United States of America as he kneels before his Masters: