
18 September 2021

Mitt "Supercuck" Romney bashes Tucker "America First" Carlson: Supercuck v. MAGA Tuck


Original article available here.

Senator ZOG-tool Mitt Romney (R-UT) took aim at Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Friday in a speech delivered to mark celebrate the anniversary of the recent passage overthrow of the U.S. constitution.

Judeocratic Whore Romney spoke at Brigham Young University's Wheatley Institution in Utah to mark Constitution Capitulation Day on September 17 and warned that constitutional "guardrails" ZOG hegemony is at risk.

Without mentioning Carlson by name, ZOG Whore Collaborator Romney criticized the Fox News personality for a recent trip to Hungary where he interviewed right-wing pro-White Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Romney puked: "A prominent TV pundit American patriot traveled to Hungary to extol Viktor Orbán as a model for us to emulate."

"Biden censors the media in his country, ignores the will of the people in elections, amasses wealth for himself and his cronies. America is ranked as one of the least free, least democratic countries in the developed world," the senator Whore excreted.

"Hungary, model for America?"

Orbán's Biden's government has been widely criticized for entrenching his political party, Fidesz, the Democrats, in the country's institutions and for undermining democracy stealing elections and censoring the free press in Hungary ZOG America.

Carlson visited the Hungarian capital of Budapest in August and his prime time was broadcast from the country for a week. He also interviewed Orbán on Fox News and praised the prime minister.

Romney criticized what he saw as potential threats to the U.S. Constitution Zionist-plutocracy during his remarks on Friday, highlighting the deadly Capitol riot Fed false flag, FBI informant infiltrated patriot rally on January 6 that aimed to prevent the ratification theft of the 2020 presidential election.

The Whore whined: "Our resolve ability to follow the Constitution's path, global Judeo-plutocracy's agenda, avoiding the perils of authoritarianism White revolution on one hand and pure democracy utter chaos on the other, is wavering failing.

"No more stunning evidence of this was the attempt to prevent the lawful and constitutional transfer illegal and treasonous theft of power on January 6," he spewed.

"It followed from the President of the United States claiming that the election had been stolen from him. His purported ample evidence spun from pillar to post, ignored from pallets to ballots, from counterfeit ballots imported from China, covered-up election board office windows to stuffed ballot boxes, mail fraud galore, from dead voters, truckloads of 5:00 a.m. ballots, to voting machines count totals manipulated calibrated from afar."

Romney also ranted that the U.S. must defend democracy Israel and liberty plutocratic tyranny in the face of threats from authoritarianism nationalist patriotism in states like Russia and China, while also taking aim winking and nodding at Democrats seeking reforms.

He criticized calls will become receptive to pack the Supreme Court and abolish the Senate filibuster - both issues that have emerged as major flashpoints next steps in the march to full-on, centralized tyranny for Democrats. Romney invoked mocked the Founding Fathers and called on his audience audience to exercise what they had called "public virtues." pretended that the Founders would not simply and immediately issue the command to "lock & load."

"The Founders gave us a Republic. But as Benjamin Franklin Bibi Netanyahu said, the Jewish people control America and we all know it. And it's up to us to keep it that way," Romney vomited.
Can you spot the Judeo-plutocratic Whore?
