29 October 2008
The cosmic Brotherhood of Sentience in the news
More here:
The report concludes that the reckless consumption of "natural capital" is endangering the world's future prosperity, with clear economic impacts including high costs for food, water and energy.
27 October 2008
Stanford researchers discover pervasive network driving protein production and placement in cells
"If you gaze into the genome, you see lots of regions that don't code for proteins but are conserved in nature - they remain unchanged from organism to organism over eons of evolutionary time," said Hogan. "This suggests that these regions may be playing some important regulatory role."
It's been known for some time that specialized regulatory proteins called transcription factors are able to enter the nucleus and recognize and bind to specific barcode-like sequences of nucleotides found on DNA. By occupying these sites, transcription factors can make it more or less likely that RNA copies of a specific gene will be produced. Because many genes scattered throughout the genome have identical nucleotide barcodes, transcription factors can simultaneously modulate the expression of entire batteries of widely spaced genes. Clusters of proteins with interdependent functions can be produced in a coordinate manner.
The Stanford investigators have discovered an analogous system of regulation instigated by a class of proteins that are distinguished by their binding not to DNA but to RNA. Scientists have long been aware of the existence of numerous proteins that bind RNA - an obvious example is the ubiquitous, protein-building molecular machines called ribosomes, which are themselves made largely of proteins. They also know that in isolated cases, RNA-binding proteins, or RBPs, seem to influence the fates of the RNA molecules to which they bind.
But few had suspected the global nature of such interactions, which the Stanford team has now revealed to guide the fate of most, if not all, protein-coding RNA molecules. The study showed that virtually every protein-coding RNA molecule encoded in the yeast genome appears to be bound by specific combinations of RBPs, which have been directed to their target RNAs by short, barcode-like sequences on those RNA molecules.
Equally significant was the group's discovery that, in many cases, individual RBPs associated with groups of RNAs that coded for proteins related either in function (they need to operate in close coordination with one another) or location (they do their jobs in the same part of the cell.) This is consistent with the notion that many RBPs guide their bound RNA molecules to particular locations in the cell, preventing intervention by ribosomes along the way and ensuring that a protein gets made in the right place at the right time.
"Our work suggests that what had seemed like a relatively few specialized RBPs that are involved in some specific regulatory processes instead constitute a pervasive system of biological regulation, in many ways paralleling that of transcription factors," said Brown. "Just as transcription factors are recruited to the specific sets of genes they regulate by recognizing specific DNA sequences, these RBPs are recruited to a specific set of RNAs they regulate by recognizing specific sequences in those RNA molecules." ...
"Here's this whole system - which has gone virtually unnoticed - that looks like it has a pervasive role in regulation," he said. "And we still know almost nothing about it. It looks like a great, unexplored area, which is just what you love if you're a scientist."
26 October 2008
A race-less, Orwellian dystopia: DNA Lifeprint Event Attracts Children from All Over
Think about how far we’ve fallen since 1913. Look around you. Consider the geometrically increasing capability of dehumanizing technology. Where do you suppose we’ll be by 2113?
Of course, who could argue with keeping children safe?
But here’s the unasked, never-to-be-wondered, unexplored, unaddressed, sixty-four thousand dollar question:
Why, in the first place, are children unsafe?
The Zionist plutocracy adopts policies – indeed, shoves them down our throats – that can have no other possible end but the degradation and ongoing dissolution of society. The Zionist-plutocracy itself constructs a reality in which children are preyed upon by all manners of pharmaceutically juiced, media indoctrinated, publicly “schooled” degenerates. It does this to create a panic atmosphere of “children at risk.”
And why does the Zionist-plutocracy do this?
The answer is here:
They tax us. They open our borders. They rig our political system. They wreck our economy. They strip us of our hard won liberties and freedoms – which have been paid for with our Blood. They dumb us down such that we’re utterly dependent for the solutions to the problems that they themselves have purposely manufactured: they cash-in coming and going.
All we get are the bills. And now people are lining up to pay to have their children genetically bar-coded.
Think about how far we’ve fallen since 1913. Look around you. Consider the geometrically increasing capability of dehumanizing technology. Where do you suppose we’ll be by 2113?
People are nothing but cattle – and we’re too f*cking brick-stupid to realize it.
How long before Earth’s LifeForce gives out? At what point do we snap out of our media-induced trance and realize that we’re existing in an Orwellian dystopia? By what year we will all have shaven heads and carry the mark of a corporate barcode?
Because that’s exactly where we’re headed. And we’re paying for it. And we’re voting for it. But, hey, f*ck it: Jesus will save us, eh? After all, why deal with reality? Reality is messy. Just kick back and let Jesus take care of everything – or the government, or the military, or the United Nations, or Obama, or McCain: in other words, adopt whichever fantasy that allows us to keep our heads up our ass. And then pop open a frosty one and turn the TV on. Better yet: plug yourself into the TV; indeed, by 2113, I’ve no doubt that whatever humans have devolved into will come equipped with “media-adapter jacks.”
Fear is the Judeo-plutocracy's greatest weapon. They will drown us in it until at last we're prepared to endure anything, sacrifice anything, believe anything, just to escape the all pervasive, manufactured miasma of fear: including plugging ourselves into System-serving, dehumanizing, Judeo-plutocratic Panopticon technology.
Today, nobody reads; tomorrow, nobody thinks. And that’s the whole point: they don’t want you to think. They just want droids, cattle, slaves, obedient workers. And then they tell us we’re free because we get to vote. And the herd animals dutifully believe it – they really, really believe it.
This entire “society” is nothing but myriad layers of bullshit, encased in variegated, hierarchical doublespeak and glossed over with a patina of bald-faced lies. The entire United States of America is nothing but an open-air forced labor camp, a minimum security prison, where they let you fuck and eat as long as you obey. But the minute you step out of line, that you break the “rules,” you are faced with ever-increasing, concentric rings of power and constraint.
So, yeah, go ahead – have your kids genetically bar-coded to keep them “safe.” And then congratulate yourself for living in the “land of the free and the home of the brave.”
And don’t forget to vote. After all: people have died for your right to choose between System Whore Number One and System Whore Number Two.
And while your pondering which Whore to choose, think about DNA bar-coding and keep telling yourself that "race does not exist," all while simultaneously contemplating the media-induced rapture about the prospect of the first African to be an American president.
20 October 2008
19 October 2008
On Free Will & Transudationism
The issue of free will vis-à-vis God's omnipotence is one of the many important debates that have raged in theology.
The Transudationist response to the above issue is as follows:
An ordinary, mortal young woman meets an ordinary, mortal young man. They feel an attraction to one another, and they began dating and courting; their passion consumes them: they fall deeply in love and get married.
Not too long thereafter, the ordinary, mortal young woman discovers that she is pregnant! She arranges a surprise celebration dinner, at which she tells her husband the good news - and they cry and embrace.
One day, at the doctor's office, their physician enters the room and offers to tell the young couple the gender of their child. The ordinary, mortal young woman and ordinary, mortal young man look into each other's eyes, smile, and say to the doctor: "No, thank you; we don't want to know."
So far, can we agree that the above-described sequence of events is more than merely plausible? That, indeed, the above scenario is reality, in that it occurs in medical facilities many, many times each and every year? The answer is "Yes": couples do this all the time.
Then, do we all agree that an ordinary, mortal woman and an ordinary, mortal man can do something God cannot do?
And the following rebuttal does no good:
"The woman and man in question are merely expressing their imperfection in not knowing; it is only through their fallen nature, through their imperfection, that they can not know a given fact."
The above rebuttal fails because the woman and man have an option: they could know if they were to so choose; they could not know if they were to so choose. God, too, has options; indeed, if He is God, He is the ultimate free actor; He must have ALL potentialities as available options at ALL times.
The question is one of Will. And so when re-expressed, presents itself as follows:
Can an ordinary, mortal woman and an ordinary, mortal man will something that God cannot Will?
The answer must be "No."
Our free will is a gift from God; but at its present evolutionary state, it is still larval. Mankinds' respective Consciousnesses are still dominated by the material plane. God Wills not to Know, so that we can possess the necessary free will to grow toward Him. It is for this reason that quantum-based uncertainty is woven into the fabric of the cosmos. All Life has the opportunity to be an eternal thought in the Mind of God - but what Kind of thought, Will that Be? The NFL, McDonald's, and paper money, or Truth, Goodness, and Beauty?
DNA & political beliefs
A: The broad question is, whether there is a biology to ideology. The way we think of that is, is there a genetic or a biological basis to at least part of how people differ in basic political orientations?
Q: And your answer was, yes?
A: In an earlier study, we had demonstrated there is reason to believe some portion — maybe 30 to 40 percent — of the variation of ideology across the population is explained by biology. In this study, we're trying to fill in the blanks.
If we do not recognize, respect, and adhere to the laws of Nature and of Nature's God, then this planet will be engulfed in a global maelstrom of enthropy, balkanization, environmental devastation, and anomie. We will ALL lose our humanity, until at last we're nothing but venal automatons entombed in a material Bastille.Think: Venezuela, China, Russia, and Iran all have been working assiduously to create a multipolar world, in which the Judeo-plutocracy will finally be cut down to size. So what does the Judeo-plutocracy do? They purposely throw the American economy into an economic tailspin; this benefits the Judeo-plutocracy in three ways:
- The nations that are coalescing against the Judeo-plutocracy all have national economies heavily dependent on oil revenue; the deliberately devastated American economy drags down the world-wide price of oil, thereby damaging the Russian, Venezuelan, and Iranian economies, and being only of nominal assistance to the Chinese economy.
- The decision has obviously been made at the highest levels that Obama is to be installed as the next American president. With the rampant corruption and public disgust generated by the "market collapse" and the "bailout," McCain (i.e., Lazarus) - System Whore that he is - is shooting blanks. All Obama has to do now is remind everyone that he's an African and strike a noble pose - and the MTV (de)generation will be willing to make him president for life.
- The Judeo-plutocracy cashes in on 700 billion dollar "bailouts," with untold more billion dollar "bailouts" on the way.
Colin Powell says that Obama is a "transformational" figure: watch the BBC video; Powell talks a lot of shit - Obama has met the standard of being an exceptional president, there's a new generation about to take power: but this is all utter Bullshit. Obama has done all these things - but how? By talking shit himself? Obama is a more effective, inclusive System Whore; he is not a "transformational" figure - he's a transmogrifying figure, and he will waste absolutely no time in talking street-shit about a new day dawning in America, while simultaneously bringing Zimbabwe and South Africa/Azania to North America. Obama supports the independence of the "Federal" Reserve and is a creature manufactured by the Judeo-plutocratic corporate media: Obama represents "change" only to the race-industry - you know, the same people who are the first to scream "race does not exist" the moment the well-being of Whites is mentioned.
The old Republic is on its deathbed. The Marxist, Third World, media-driven, minority-dominated Judeo-plutocratic shit-hole is being birthed before your very eyes.
Would you like to know what Colin Powell really thinks? What really drives him? Why Mr. Establishment Black Republican is endorsing Black radical Obama?
The answer is here:
Mr Powell told the audience his own black identity mattered as much as ever and that Africa, with hard work and foreign investment, could prosper like Asia and Eastern Europe. "I stand before you tonight as an African-American," Mr Powell said. "Many people have said to me you became secretary of state of the USA, is it still necessary to say that you are an African-American or that you are black, and I say, yes, so that we can remind our children. "It took a lot of people struggling to bring me to this point in history. I didn't just drop out of the sky, people came from my continent in chains."
Funny, isn't it? Do Whites have a continent? Do Whites get to remind their children of anything other than the Judeo-plutocratic horse-shit version of White history? Powell made the above statements a few days ago - and today he endorses Black radical Obama. Does anyone say anything? Nope. The minute Whites think collectively, as a group, to look out for White children, for White history, for the right of the European Descended People of this world to survive and go forward through space-time, a plethora of hate crime laws kick-in, the name-calling and the guilt-mongering starts, and then the threats of physical intimidation and violence are not far behind. "Give us everything we want, and give it to us right now - otherwise it's 'burn, baby, burn' time."
Obama isn't a "transformational" figure: he's a transmogrifying figure: Obama is the final nail in the coffin of the old Republic. And if you think that's a good thing, I wish you a long, long life here in South Africanized North America.
Oh, and by the way, if you're waiting for Jesus to save you, think again.
Transudationism is a philosophy of love - not hate.
18 October 2008
Computing with RNA: We must not lose our harmonic bio-immanence
We must not lose our harmonic bio-immanence
Rather, the power lies in bio-computers' potential ability to patch into and directly interact with, cellular processes.
"It's basically speaking the language of the cells," said Weiss, who was not involved with the study.
Weiss said the new finding "pushes the boundary" of what can be done with biological computers.
More: here and here. MSNBC article here:As organic molecules go, RNA is pretty simple. Think of it as a piece of string dyed in four different colors. Each color corresponds to one of four nucleotides. Other molecules inside a cell read the colors on the RNA and use that information to build other molecules called proteins. ...
The beauty of their design, says Smolke is that many of the parts are essentially interchangeable. Right now the more tetracycline, for instance, the more light the yeast cells emit. The scientists say they could change their device so that more tetracycline would produce less light, for instance.
Producing light is proof of principle. What really excites scientists are the potential medical applications, particularly in fighting cancer and infectious diseases.
Remember: just say "No" to venal automatonization
12 October 2008
Scientific proof of the holonic Holy Hologram: Repairing genetic mutations with lasers?
Repairing genetic mutations with lasers?
If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself:
German researchers at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) think they’ve proved that genetic information can be controlled by light. The group studied the interaction between the four DNA bases — adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T) — by using femtosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. The researchers think that they’ve demonstrated that DNA strands differ in their light sensitivity depending on their base sequences. The team thinks that it might be possible in the future to gene mutations using laser radiation. One of the project leaders said that “it might even be possible under some circumstances to make transistors from DNA that would work through the hydrogen bonds.” It’s not the first time I’ve heard about DNA computing, but this new approach looks promising.
You can see above the optical components of the femtosecond fluorescence up-conversion spectrometer used at CAU. (Credit: Friedrich Temps, CAU) Here is a link to a larger version of this photo. This research project has been led at CAU by Professor Friedrich Temps and Nina Schwalb who is a member of his research group at the Institute of Physical Chemistry at CAU.
You can see above Nina Schwalb adjusting the femtosecond laser spectroscope. (Credit: J. Haacks, CAU) Here is a link to a larger version of this photo.
So what exactly did the research group find? “It has been known for many years that the individual bases that code the genetic information contained in DNA show a high degree of photostability, as the energy that they take up from UV radiation is immediately released again. Surprisingly, however, it is found that in DNA, which consists of many bases, those mechanisms are ineffective or only partially effective. It seems that the deactivation of UV-excited DNA molecules must instead occur by some completely different mechanisms specific to DNA, which are not yet understood. Through measurements by a variety of methods on DNA molecules with different base sequences, the research group led by Professor Friedrich Temps at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Kiel University has now been able to confirm and clarify that assumption.”
Here is a quote from Professor Friedrich Temps about this research project. “DNA achieves its high degree of photostability through its complex double-helix structure. The interactions between bases that are stacked one above another within a DNA strand, and the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs of the two complementary single strands in the double-helix play key roles. Through the different interactions that we have observed the DNA acts to some extent as its own sun-protection.”
And here are more details about Nina Schwalb’s work. “Nina Schwalb investigated many different base combinations in synthetically-produced DNA molecules. Using a femtosecond pulsed laser spectroscope, she measured the characteristic energy release for each combination. She was able to measure the time for which the molecules continued to fluoresce, and thus how long they stored the light energy. She found that for some base combinations these fluorescence ‘lifetimes’ were only about 100 femtoseconds, whereas for others they were up to a thousand times longer. A femtosecond is one millionth of a billionth of a second.”
This research work has been published in Science under the title “Base Sequence and Higher-Order Structure Induce the Complex Excited-State Dynamics in DNA” (Volume 322, Issue 5899, Pages 243-245, October 10, 2008). If you know this research field, you might understand the abstract. “The high photostability of DNA is commonly attributed to efficient radiationless electronic relaxation processes. We used femtosecond time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy to reveal that the ensuing dynamics are strongly dependent on base sequence and are also affected by higher-order structure. Excited electronic state lifetimes in dG-doped d(A)20 single-stranded DNA and dG·dC-doped d(A)20·d(T)20 double-stranded DNA decrease sharply with the substitution of only a few bases. In duplexes containing d(AGA)·d(TCT) or d(AG)·d(TC) repeats, deactivationof the fluorescing states occurs on the subpicosecond time scale, but the excited-state lifetimes increase again in extended d(G)runs. The results point at more complex and molecule-specific photodynamics in native DNA than may be evident in simpler model systems.”
Personally, I don’t fully understand this abstract. But I’m happy to report that Nina Schwalb has probably a bright future as a researcher. Please visit this page and scroll to “Ph.D. student Nina Schwalb wins poster prizes at international conferences.”
Sources: Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel news release, October 10, 2008; and various websites
ScienceDaily (Oct. 10, 2008) — DNA, the molecule that acts as the carrier of genetic information in all forms of life, is highly resistant against alteration by ultraviolet light, but understanding the mechanism for its photostability presents some puzzling problems. A key aspect is the interaction between the four chemical bases that make up the DNA molecule. Researchers at Kiel University have succeeded in showing that DNA strands differ in their light sensitivity depending on their base sequences.
Their results are reported by Nina Schwalb and colleagues in the current issue of the journal Science appearing on October 10, 2008.
It has been known for many years that the individual bases that code the genetic information contained in DNA show a high degree of photostability, as the energy that they take up from UV radiation is immediately released again. Surprisingly, however, it is found that in DNA, which consists of many bases, those mechanisms are ineffective or only partially effective. It seems that the deactivation of UV-excited DNA molecules must instead occur by some completely different mechanisms specific to DNA, which are not yet understood. Through measurements by a variety of methods on DNA molecules with different base sequences, the research group led by Professor Friedrich Temps at the Institute of Physical Chemistry of Kiel University has now been able to confirm and clarify that assumption.
According to Professor Temps, "DNA achieves its high degree of photostability through its complex double-helix structure. The interactions between bases that are stacked one above another within a DNA strand, and the hydrogen bonds between the base pairs of the two complementary single strands in the double-helix play key roles. Through the different interactions that we have observed the DNA acts to some extent as its own sun-protection".
Nina Schwalb investigated many different base combinations in synthetically-produced DNA molecules. Using a femtosecond pulsed laser spectroscope, she measured the characteristic energy release for each combination. She was able to measure the time for which the molecules continued to fluoresce, and thus how long they stored the light energy. She found that for some base combinations these fluorescence ‘lifetimes’ were only about 100 femtoseconds, whereas for others they were up to a thousand times longer. A femtosecond is one millionth of a billionth of a second.
Commenting on the conclusions from her research, Nina Schwalb says: “We have investigated the photophysical properties and have found that different base combinations have widely different fluorescence lifetimes. This could lead to the development of a new diagnostic method whereby laser light could be used to directly recognise certain genetic sequences without, for example, having to mark the DNA with dyes as in the method used at present".
One might also envisage linking the photophysical properties to genetic characteristics. When these mechanisms are better understood, it might in the long term become possible to repair gene mutations using laser radiation.
"In the field of nano-electronics it has already been shown that synthetically produced DNA can be used as ‘nano-wires’. On the basis of the different reaction times of the molecules it might one day become possible to use laser pulses to ‘switch’ specific molecules. It might even be possible under some circumstances to make transistors from DNA that would work through the hydrogen bonds," explains Professor Temps.
09 October 2008
One who has joined this small company and tasted the happiness that is their portion; who has watched the frenzy of the multitude and seen that there is no soundness in the conduct of public life, nowhere an ally at whose side a champion of justice could hope to escape destruction; but that, like a man fallen among wild beasts, if he should refuse to take part in their misdeeds and could not hold out alone against the fury of all, he would be destined, before he could be of any service to his country or his friends, to perish, having done no good to himself or to anyone else – one who has weighed all this keeps quiet and goes his own way, like the traveler who takes shelter under a wall from a driving storm of dust and hail; and seeing lawlessness spreading on all sides, is content if he can keep his hands clean from iniquity while this life lasts, and when the end comes, take his departure, with good hopes, in serenity and peace.
Hey Judah:
He, who loves money more than life itself, shall have neither.
Stay tuned ...
Philosophical excitement: "One question that has arisen when considering the capacity of other planets to support life is whether organisms can exist independently, without access even to the Sun," says Chivian.
"The answer is yes and here's the proof. It's philosophically exciting to know that everything necessary for life can be packed into a single genome."
Please note that these organisms are themselves composed of and dependent upon substances derived from and created by light - star life cycles - e.g., uranium, and, likewise, these organisms too are dependent upon a holonic integration and exquisite balancing of the laws of Nature; they possess a Vital Force and exist within the soup of an integrated Reality/teleological totality: they are an intermediary step - the "missing link" - in the process of evolutionary transubstantiation, of matter becoming Spirit via evolution. This discovery proves the Transudationist concept of reducible teleology. This discovery also fantastically demonstrates that the cosmos is brimming with life processes; it greatly expands the scope and range of life in the universe! All life is a form of light, and the cosmos is a Holy Hologram.
Below is the rest of the article:
A bug discovered deep in a goldmine and nicknamed "the bold traveller" has got astrobiologists buzzing with excitement. Its unique ability to live in complete isolation of any other living species suggests it could be the key to life on other planets. A community of the bacteria Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator has been discovered 2.8 kilometres beneath the surface of the Earth in fluid-filled cracks of the Mponeng goldmine in South Africa. Its 60°C home is completely isolated from the rest of the world, and devoid of light and oxygen.
Dylan Chivian of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, studied the genes found in samples of the fluid to identify the organisms living within it, expecting to find a mix of species. Instead, he found that 99.9% of the DNA belonged to one bacterium, a new species. The remaining DNA was contamination from the mine and the laboratory.
"The fact that the community contains only one species stands one of the basic tenets of microbial ecology on its head," says Carl Pilcher, director of the NASA Astrobiology Institute, who was not involved in Chivian's DNA analysis but whose team made the initial discovery that there were microbes living in this particular fissure two years ago.
Evolutionary biologist E. O. Wilson says the discovery is so important he will at once begin to mention it in his lectures on biodiversity.
Community of one
A community of a single species is almost unheard of in the microbial world. It means the ecosystem's only species must extract everything it needs from an otherwise dead environment.
"Virtually all other known ecosystems on Earth that don't use sunlight directly do use some product of photosynthesis," says Pilcher.
Deep-sea vent communities, for instance, are too far down to directly use sunlight but they do use oxygen dissolved in seawater, and that oxygen is produced by photosynthesising plankton at the surface.
Chivian's analysis shows that D. audaxviator gets its energy from the radioactive decay of uranium in the surrounding rocks. It has genes to extract carbon from dissolved carbon dioxide and other genes to fix nitrogen, which comes from the surrounding rocks. Both carbon and nitrogen are essential building blocks for life as we know it, and are used in the building blocks of proteins, amino acids. D. audaxviator has genes to produce all the amino acids it needs.
D. audaxviator can also protect itself from environmental hazards by forming endospores – tough shells that protect its DNA and RNA from drying out, toxic chemicals and from starvation. It has a flagellum to help it navigate.matter becomes Spirit through evolution!
The first single celled organism – the first entity
that we traditionally would call alive, whatever it was – had no awareness or knowledge of its milieu; it could not “know” anything: its little primordial mud puddle, its ecosystem, its contextual being in an integrated-
teleological Reality-Totality, as well as the vast,
multi-dimensional Higher Consciousness matrix, were all utterly beyond its perceptual ability. And today how much do we really know? We fancy ourselves as the apex of Creation – but that is a filthy lie; we are barely out of the primordial ooze. Our position today is analogous to that of the aforementioned first single-celled organism’s status: We stand at the threshold of an evolutionary journey that no one understands or can imagine – with the exception of Transudationists. We must Ascend – as did that first single-celled organism – and colonize and explore the cosmos; we must set upon the Path of the Upward Spiral. We must Speciate –and this is why geographic racial separation is the highest, noblest manifestation of the cosmic LifeForce: it is the continuation of an evolutionary Journey that began at the moment of the Big Bang and will continue on into other planetary systems, galaxies, and fractal dimensions, until we, our Ancestors, and our Posterity either fail via extinction or attain absolute harmonic bio-immanence and undergo Ascensional Transudation.
The fragrance of a wildflower wafts on summer breezes as testimony of its love for the Creator; at the tips of its extended appendages, as it offers up its precious,
beloved petals as gifts to God – the seed becomes the scent – it freely, lovingly releases its most ethereal substance in Honor of the Creator: It gives back the love with which it was so tenderly showered; the sun’s warming rays, the gentle rain, the fertile soil, the passion of the Divine Gardener, the cosmic Beauty of the universe embodied in one simple act of efflorescence – and how many of us notice? ...
[S]pace dust spontaneously comes alive, space dust that originates from black holes, space dust that spontaneously morphs into minerals; various organic
molecules provide the building blocks of Life, and the Creator waters His incipient sentience via cosmic Life-processes, and He seeds the universe with the raw materials needed to beget Life.
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust? No: light to Light!
Here's a very nice article indeed from Press TV:
We will pay. We will pay because the European banks holding all that bad paper we wrote demand that we make good on it so even more of their banks will not fail. We will pay because the Chinese, the Japanese and everyone else will cut off the loan tap with which we pay the interest (not the principal) on our exploding supernova of national debt. We will pay because God loves the rich. We will pay because we will not be offered any other choice. We will pay because George Bush worked hard for all those Ds in school and became the first MBA president. We will pay because our media has internalized the capitalist system so thoroughly they can only talk in Wall Speak. We will pay because the only language we have to describe our world is that of our oppressors because we have been taught to think in Wall Speak. We will pay because we hitched our wagon to last-stage capitalism and even though the wagon has now two wheels over the cliff and roars forward, we don't know where the brake handle is located. And because we don't know any better or understand any possible resistance to the system because we have been kept like worms in a jar and fed horse manure.
And as we all know, worms do not rise up in revolt.
That takes a backbone.