
11 May 2010

Affirmative action is racial profiling

Affirmative action is racial profiling.

The multicultural totalitarians do not know the meaning of the words “integrity” or “principle” - there is one and ONLY one standard used to ascertain the ethics of any policy imaginable: Does it serve the Judeo-plutocracy’s vested interests?

Immigration control is racial profiling that the multicultural totalitarians don’t like: affirmative action is racial profiling that the multicultural totalitarians do like - and why? Because immigration control is against their vested interests, whereas affirmative action is in favor of their vested interests: it’s as simple as that.

If the victim of racial profiling is White, everything is alright; if the victim of racial profiling is Black, it must be taken back.

Let’s do a reality check, shall we?

Do you really think that after there are countless millions more “minorities” and countless millions less Whites, that anything is going to change? Do you re­ally believe that any of the bought-politicians will have the courage to say “no” to “minority” voting blocs hell-bent on getting what they want - ethics, principles, and justice be damned? Do you really believe that the Judeo-plutocracy intends on turning the entire White West into anything other than a bastardized, balkanized, impoverished, thoroughly debased Third World hellhole? Do you really believe that we are not directly on course for a Zimbabwe and a South Africa all across the White West? Do you really believe that the Marxists and Mammon-capitalists aren’t already preparing to marshal their minions for the end game? Do you really believe that?

There is one fate and one fate only befitting the traitorous Judeo-plutocratic tools currently lording it over our Kind, and I’ll leave it to their insipid imaginations to try to figure out what it is. But mark my words: In the name of the Creator, Justice will be done.

It does not matter whether the non-white beneficia­ries of affirmative action have been in the White West for 500 years or five minutes: if they’re not White, they get spe­cial legal status and protection. And it does not matter if the non-white beneficiaries of affirmative action have never been discriminated against: if they’re not White, they get special legal status and protection. And it does not matter if the White person who has been discriminated against has never practiced “rac­ism”: he or she is legally a second class citizen. And it does not matter if the White person who has been dis­criminated against has had to work hard, against heavy odds, to try to obtain a measure of success: she or he is legally a second class citizen.

The Judeo-plutocrats have opened our borders; they have prostituted our women; they have denuded, deflowered, and debased our culture; they have used “terror” as a pretext to intern us inside a police state; they have exported our industries; they have poisoned not merely our minds, but our very souls, with their colostomy bag culture and their media monopoly; they have subjected us to hate crime laws; they have pilfered our wealth and ruined our economy; they have usurped our freedom of speech with hate speech laws; they and their allies - radical Marxist egalitarians and money-sucking Mammon-capitalists - have sullied, spat upon, mocked, ridiculed, scorned, and torn down every - EVERY - single principle and precept upon which our White Civilization was founded; they have concentrated and centralized all power into the hands of the modern State, and they have seized control of the modern State with their media and their money-power and used it as a weapon to enslave us.




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