
11 May 2010

A HAPPY occasion

Do you know what the ongoing dispossession of White Western Civilization reminds me of? Do you remember that scene from Monty Python & the Holy Grail, where the lunatic Knight rushes into perfectly peaceful wedding day ceremonies set in an enchanting medieval castle? He storms in on a ridiculous pretense and sets about slaughtering at will. No one fight backs. No one resists. No one makes a move to stop him - not even the guards! He just sets about killing at will. He continues on with his murderous rampage and butchers his way up to the keep - and then he cuts a deal with the Overlord; thereafter they emerge from the keep, with the Overlord and Knight discussing their future plans, and make their way down the stairs to an angry mob. The Knight kills a few people who try to apprehend him. He then curtly apologizes a few times and looks to the Overlord, who in turn proceeds to smooth over the bloody carnage with a short speech that I think kind of summarizes the recent decades of Western Civilization:

I could easily picture ANY contemporary, mainstream White politician playing the role of the Knight: the System always seems to have a new “Knight” around - and always, it so happens, just when the System happens to need one (e.g., Bush, Blair, Obama). The international plutocracy never fails to provide us with yet another “choice” over who slaughters the wedding guests: always yet another exciting, new outsider! That’s how the Overlord media System Whores play it up. The whole sick spectacle is designed to dupe as many gullible people as possible into thinking that, yes, the system really DOES work. And all the while, the System is just buying itself time, and hoping that demographic change will work it its favor and get it off the world historical hook on which it is currently flapping.

For how many decades now has this sort of orchestrated, Tweedledumb Tweeedledumber Tweedledumbest utter garbage been going on, and the international plutocracy is STILL ransacking our castle and cutting deals with our “keepers.” The international plutocracy has dedicated itself to the annihilation of Western Civilization, while cutting deals with our “elite” - the people who were supposed to be looking out for us. So, when you really think about it, all this “politically correct” trash, which the System has been shoving down our throats for decades, was absolutely inevitable: It’s the Marxists’ and Mammon-capitalists’ way of saying to us:

This is supposed to be a HAPPY occasion. Let’s not bicker and argue about who killed who.

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